[hider=Azura Cerulean] [b]Name:[/b] Azura Cerulean (Blue, Blue in plainspeak: Guess the theme XD) [b]Age: [/b]16 [b]Gender: [/b]Female [b]Species: [/b]Human [b]Face:[/b] Azura has remarkably clear skin and a face that's just in-between cute and beautiful, no features seem to stick out, rather they all just seem to fit together [b]Hair:[/b] Azura had dyed her hair a light [color=#1E90FF]blue[/color], it hangs to about her waist in the back and is cut short in the front and to the sides. Azura always takes good care of her hair so it’s very smooth. It is generally in a French braid and when prepared for combat it is tucked under her trenchcoat [b]Eyes: [/b]Azura's eyes are the reason for her name, they are a very intense shade of [url=http://data3.whicdn.com/images/63359081/original.png]deep dark blue[/url]. [b]Skin: [/b]White, slightly tanned, clear. [b]Frame: [/b]Azura is a little on the short side but her body is rather proportionate. [b]Height: [/b]5 foot 5 inches [b]Weight: [/b]54.4 Kgs or about 120 pounds [b]Personality:[/b] Azura is a very energetic person, she's eager to try new thing and make friends. On occasion her enthusiasm can be annoying to those more reclusive and Azura seems to not realize when she's going overboard. She's very sincere in everything she does and believes everyone else to be as well, though this can lead to be her being a little naive. In the event Azura has to fight something or someone seriously it will be as though a switch has been flipped. Her normally vibrant personality will vanish to be replaced with a calm individual with is focused on nothing except combat, almost like an alternate personality, Azura refers to it as going on auto-pilot. [b]Weapon: [/b]Azura uses a [url=http://img14.deviantart.net/222c/i/2007/327/e/4/naginata___black_dragon___by_jaydarkside45.jpg]black naginata[/url]. [b]Weapon Name:[/b] Solitude [b]Weapon Functions:[/b] Solitude only differs from a standard naginata in that the blade can be fired forward with surprising force and speed and retracted by a chain. This is useful for getting an extra bit of range in an attack but Azura can also pull herself to something by retracting the chain given the blade is suitably wedged. [b]Armor/ Clothing:[/b] Azura tends to dress casual in bright colors but practically. Expect shorts or jeans and a colorful shirt. If expecting combat Azura will wear a thick [url=https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M50cbc39cfb664bcafb0fd1146d18cbd7H0&pid=15.1&P=0&w=300&h=300]trench coat[/url] that provides more protection than one would suspect: along with black legging and metal armguards hidden beneath her coat. [b]Semblance Name:[/b] Asura [b]Semblance:[/b] Azura has a fine amount of control over her aura and her semblance allows her to generate up to four additional 'aura arms' that must be come from some part of her body (EX: can appear from legs, back, fingers) and can't stretch beyond her normal arm's length. These arms have about as much strength as Azura does; the only other notable difference is that they are remarkably sturdy. Azura can also create standard aura weapons for them to wield, but this if more draining then creating the arms. If she lost her own weapon she could also use one of these aura weapons herself, though it would be less effective than using her own weapon. [b]Strengths:[/b] Azura is rather strong, both mentally and physically. Her shortness and happy nature may cause one to find both of these unlikely, but its true, she is remarkably resilient in both respects. Her personality generally allows her to make friends easily and she has no trouble dealing with most people. Azura's semblance gives her a remarkable amount of diversity in combat and with her 'switch on' she had no trouble using it to its fullest extent. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Azura is a bit naive at times, not understanding when she is being tricked or when someone has bad intentions. Her general exuberance can be exhausting at times and Azura doesn't have much of an off switch. In combat Azura's only real weakness would be a lack of long-range attacks. [b]Bio:[/b] Azura grew up in Vault for most of her life as a single child with only faint memories of her father, who died as a Hunter defending Vault during its creation. Her mother had a civilian job but made sure to educate Azura in how to be a hunter so she could follower her father's footsteps, as she always wanted to. Surprisingly growing up with only a mother seemed to have little poor effect on Azura, she was always sociable, ready to apply herself, and overall a good kid. She of course always wanted to be a hunter to honor her dad so it's unsurprising that she ended up at Lustre Academy. [/hider]