Hi guys, apologies for the absence my work load has been and still is hectic. I've been working overtime pretty much everyday to try and keep up (and failing horribly). I've only actually skipped out early today due to prior engagements that has prevented me from staying in. As such it's with regret that I'll be withdrawing from all role plays other than 1 on 1's for the time being until the situation at work calms back down again and I don't want to slow everyone down from having to wait on me. [@The One] I may consider returning with a new character in the distant future, provided I am welcome to do so. However that won't be until things have calmed down a bit in life. Unfortunately when I've been dragging myself in at 9-10pm I haven't really had the right mind set for posting. Anyways I think that's enough of a goodbye, take care guys.