[@BlackPanther] Light could tell these two were good friends from the looks of it, even if they seemed to be opposites. Light figured that the one's injury had something to do with his grumpiness, though she wondered why the other guy was wearing a mask since she was happy to not have to wear one here. [color=lightblue]"Hello Jasper and Hachi, I'm Light. Nice to meetchya."[/color] she said with a smile. She'd love to give a toothy one, but that tends to scare people more than comfort them, what with the sharp teeth and all. [color=lightblue]"I hope that leg heals up there quickly Hachi. Having your options limited isn't fun at all."[/color] Light said. Looking around to see what was going to happen today, she tried to strike up some conversation with the two. [color=lightblue]"So besides the sprained ankle and waiting for class to get going, whats been going on with you two?"[/color] Light said. [color=lightblue]"Thankfully for myself nothing bad has happened today. I tend to be very unlucky. This morning was weird though with the darkness thing and everything. Got some extra sleep though since classes were canceled so that was nice."[/color]