Alina was lucky that she had focused a majority of her light into the barrier around her and Eantu, having closed her eyes when he had thrown his sword. When she could feel the dust settling, she opened them to reveal a large amount of debris surrounding their area, all of which could have been deadly, she assumed. The dome of light faded and dispersed, and she could only thank the Light that they had somehow survived this ordeal. When she looked at the Demon Lord, she could hardly believe her eyes at the damage done to him. The tower hadn't collapsed as she expected, but rather the explosion had caused various sections of the buildings to skewer it until it was barely recognizable. But, she supposed a win was a win. Turning her attention to her comrades, she was glad to see that a majority of them had made it out of the situation unscathed... all but the rogue. She had seen them use that elixir before, the vial of what she considered red goop, disgusting and yet oddly effective for healing purposes. But no elixir could match the healing of the light. Though, she decided against sending a plea to the light for a heal, believing that he would not appreciate the small effort it would be. Instead, she simply walked up to them, pulling her hood down so that her face could more easily be seen. It revealed an almost bob-like haircut, short and a nice shade of red. She smirked at Thalion, patting his back for a second before speaking. "It would appear so, Elf, though you should be lucky. Not everyone has an elixir that begins to heal on their own terms."