There were several instances during the planetarium tour where June was rolling her eyes. She honestly didn't care about space or the stars or anything; hell, she was already a star, what did she need to learn about actual stars for? June wasn't even sure why she was still going to high school. She was, technically, an adult, and she had already started a career. Sure, the band may not last forever, but by the time that happens, she'd already have enough to live comfortably. Yet here she was, bored in a planetarium, yawning and wondering when it was over. Her hair was currently long, it was always long when she wasn't on stage or in 'band mode'. It helped her blend in; she looked different enough from Sugar with her hair down, compared to Sugar whose hair was short and tied into a side ponytail. She wondered if any of her classmates knew the truth, and if they did, she really hoped they kept their mouth shut, she didn't need a bunch of bandwagon friends who never cared about her to suddenly hang off her arm and demand tickets or special treatment. At school, she was just June Serizawa, that student that sat near the back and hung out in the music room. June sighed happily as the tour ended and the teacher made reference of the buddy system. She rolled her eyes as the self-appointed 'Empress of Gin'rom Highschool' began her shtick once again. "Don;t listen to her, kid," June said to the pink haired girl, just loud enough for both her and Foress to hear, "The only thing she's an empress of is Fantasyland." June innocently whistled and leaned against a nearby railing. She wasn't going to pick a buddy, her buddy would pick her. Imitating her uncaring pose, her fairy, Soli, floated on her shoulder, as uncaring as June was.