[hider=Medical Officer Kotan] [hr] [center][img]https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--oLfOqkds--/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/1283426622736765288.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] [B]Name:[/b] [indent]Leonora Kotan[/indent] [b]Species:[/b] [indent]Human[/indent] [b]Age:[/b] [indent]30[/indent] [b]Rank/Title:[/b] [indent]Jedi Knight (Consular)[/indent] [b]Planet of Origin/Birth:[/b] [indent]Couruscant [/indent] [b]Force Sensitive Y/N:[/B] [indent]Yes[/indent] [B]Appearance:[/B] [indent] Leonora is a 5'11 woman with a gentle and relaxed appearance on her face that betrays the complex thoughts that are running underneath the mask of hers. Having this air of casual calmness around her, she seems like a very open person to talk to. With her skin lightly tanned by the touch of the sun, weighing around 150 lbs that consist of her keeping herself in shape. Having light brown hair that reaches to her shoulders, it is not suited for war but is tied but into a bun that hangs over the side of her shoulder. Wearing clothing that has been weaved to protect from the elements but little protection outside of that. It is thankfully topped with a layer of light armor to protect her from minor damage while still giving her enough flexibility to move. On her person, she is wearing a backpack that contains a variety of medical supplies to treat the wounds of those who are hurt, there are also materials to conduct simple tests if needed. Wearing a pair of gloves that are designed to not be clumsy when handling things. At her waist, there is a spot where she keeps her blaster to pull out if needed along the belt which is a personal energy shield. Having her lightsaber is wrapped up tightly that is located on her waist in the back that is covered by her clothes and backpack.[/indent] [B]Skills/Abilities:[/B] [LIST] [*]Her natural affinity along with passion with the Force has focused her on understanding it and the many techniques at a playing field above even most force specialists [*]Her Jedi training and personal focus improved her willpower and awareness much more than usual along with her connection with the force [*]Leonora is skilled in handling injuries and with her experience can take care of most of the things thrown at her way [*]Lightsaber Combat was never her thing but her master and experience gathered have sharpened it up to par with most (Makashi and Soresu) [*]While not as polished as her Lightsaber training, she has the fundamentals down and some practice to handle blasters without trouble [*]While maybe not important, a hobby of hers is playing Pazaak where players can be found anywhere and she even has her own deck [/LIST] [B]Equipment:[/B] [LIST] [*]Her Purple Lightsaber she built but keeps hidden [*]A Blaster Pistol she has on the side and uses primarily [*]Her Personal Energy Shield to fend her from blasters [*]A pair of Precision Gloves intended to work dexterously for jobs that require it [*]Medical Backpack filled with needed supplies to take care of wounds and perform minor biological tests, essentially a Medkit [*]Deck of Pazzak cards [/LIST] [B]Personality:[/B] [INDENT] Leonora has always been one who has given everything she had and more to make sure that she was the best. Not a noble motivational force that drove her on, but it worked as she rose to being one of the tops of the class. It was during her years with her master that she was taught to simply not be the best but to do what she wanted and gave her many lessons to learn from. It those lessons she learned how confusing and strange the world may work but with help, she learned to navigate this world. She never lost her attitude for striving out to reach what she wanted to achieve, but took more care of her surroundings. Slowly seeing things in a new point of view, as she shed her cold demeanor and grew to become a more social person from the help of her master. Getting into more hobbies rather than simply tunnel-visioning with her studies, giving her ever more insight to the complicated way that the force works. [/indent] [b]History:[/b][indent] Leonora was born on the Coruscant and was deeply connected to the force ever since she was born despite being an aggressive kid, it would come to her with practice to hone her potential. A bully some would call her, but thankfully was nipped at the bud before it could grow into anything extreme by her father. Teaching her how to cool her head off from a variety of ways such as counting in her head, to breathing deeply and reflecting over herself. Little did he know that it built the foundation for the connection between the force and her natural talent for it. With her connection to the force, she was tutored essentially by the force for a short time which curbed her anger combined along with her meditation. Initially unaware of the presence of the Force, until the Jedis near the temple felt her and was brought to the temple to be trained as a padawan. Being a very prominent student who excelled in the teachings of the Jedi as she immersed herself in learning the delicate ways of the Force. While lacking an affinity for the art of a lightsaber, she mitigated her faults through the use of her greatest asset, the Force. There was no doubt a great reliance over Leonora using the force which her teachers noticed and reminded her to expand her skills which she listened to. However, it should be expected that she learned to improve her skills by doing what she always did, instead of simply temporarily enhancing her skills, she put herself in the mindset to learn it faster and better. With her connection and power over the force made her a contender as one of the students with the high level of skill. Yet despite this, she was looked over as a Padawan many times by a master until her late years where she was finally chosen to be offered a place in learning. The one who offered her a place was a controversial one you could say, his name was Aaron Votana. A Jedi who was looked down upon for his less formal ideas of teachings of the Jedis. One which, Leonora agreed with and initially fought with her master for the first part of their journey together where she began understanding the lessons that were being taught to her. Understanding that some things in the world did not fit perfect and neat within the teachings of the Jedi Order along with its classifications. Making her more flexible than what you would think of Jedis most of the time, it comes with the practicality of life lessons that were taught to her. Graduating from her master's tutelage into a Jedi Knight with her continued affinity for the force, in which she continued to privately indulge in training privately. Taking every chance she had to connect to the Force and attempt to see how it pulled the strings throughout the universe. Dangerously taking one foot into the deep end where her inhibition began slipping away as she began recklessly using the Force. Her travels eventually brought her to the teachings of the Sith and for a short time underwent their training to see both spectrums of the force. She would eventually part from that place once she would find out all that was possible without immersing herself into the Dark Side, and go into seclusion. In her solitude, she fully embraced the force in its entirety in hopes to understanding its mysteries and pulled herself away from the world. The one who dragged her from this self-destructive path was surprisingly her master which reminded her the control of which the Jedi had and reminded her of the lessons he taught her, parting ways only once she was well. She took heed of her master's teachings and removed herself from her loneliness and rejoined the Order. After some 'rehabilitation' and the signal for the okay, she was able to preform her duties again as a Jedi Knight. Staying on Couruscant for never too long before she would be given a mission off-planet, attending to her duties as a Jedi Knight. Remembering her lessons and learning new ones, rinsing and repeating missions gave her a solid understanding of the world and improving some needed skills. Working most of the time for missions which took care of people and rescuing, she learned the trade of a doctor in situations that may need it. Learning this practical skill, through observation of medical droids, some lessons and steady exercise throughout the years. It proved to be a useful skill when she could spare no part of herself to heal through the force. Through this time, she extended her reach and sense of the Force around her to see it's intricate working on a small-scale basis. With the issue of the Mandalorian War occurring, she understood the nature of the Jedi Council and knew about their politics. By the nature of the entire order which was conservative, they would instinctively resist fighting with the Mandalorians and argue with themselves. A lesson she learned from her master, who she knew would too join the revanchists. She eventually would leave her place and join the ranks of the Revanchists and IRSOG not as Jedi but a simple soldier. A soldier specialized in taking care of those wounded in the front line and defending herself if needed. It is her chance to observe the Force on a large scale, which she has never seen before and now will take a chance to look into it. Using all of that she has learned to mask her presence with the Force and protect her mind with other tricks that she has learned. It surprisingly took her master a focused attempt to discover his former pupil with the force and was surprised she was hiding herself, but welcomed her to the cause under her disguise she was wearing. [/INDENT] [B]Relationships and Acquaintances:[/B] [INDENT] [i]Aaron Votana[/i], her Jedi Master who taught her what he could about the universe and the variety of things that it would bring to the table. While glad that she is joining the cause, he constantly reminds her that she is free to console in him if things start getting rough. Occasionally, they indulge in small lessons to either review what he taught to see how his former pupil is doing or new information to pass onto her that she should know. Outside of this secret business, they are 'close comrades' who are known to be fierce Pazzak players that go largely unchallenged for the time they invested in this hobby. [i]Unconfirmed Mandalorian,[/i] the rumors of a defector from the Mandalorian forces has joined their ranks from what she heard from her IRSOG comrades. An interesting subject to watch to doubt if the rumors are true, the only question is who has the authority to take the soldier from the hands of the Republic? One of the more likely perpetrator would be someone with much influence to do so... [i]The other Jedi of IRSOG-37[/i], her people who would be perceptive of her nature as a Jedi which she would keep at arms length if possible. It will no doubt be difficult working around them but she'll find a way, she always does and if anyone discovers her nature then she'll deal with it when the time comes. Despite her secrecy, they would still be her comrades and not to mention peers who have joined the Revanchists just like her, hoping to understand their motives and how this war will affect not only them but herself as well. Her gameplan for the situation is to keep her reputation as a Jedi hidden until she needs to get rid of loose strings. [i]Her Other Comrades[/i], the people who don't know her true nature and only see her as a medical officer on the field. They remain mostly unaware of her nature, but that doesn't stop her from being reclusive. Being called the Mama Bird of the group as she is always taking care of them both on the field and off it, she is there to lend a shoulder or hand when needed. If there is anything else she is known for besides being a medical officer and a competitive pazzak player, it's her cooking which definitely tastes better than the rations provided to them. Happening only several times when she had enough ingredients to make something, it disappeared quick after the first wave was served. [/INDENT] [/hider]