He was glad Dusty's shouting got them in no trouble, and the disgusting corpse-man did not remove their important bits. He quietly gave the ghoul the finger while he wasn't looking, rubbing his wrists. He did [i]not[/i] appreciate what he did. The Highwayman was an interesting experience. He reckoned things would have been better in the Mojave if they had a few of these. Well, what could one do. He remained quiet during the trip, trying to finish the dream. Where was he? Oh yes, stomping on that one ghoul's face, yes indeed. [hr] When they finally arrived, he stood up, and stretched, yawning a little. He would experimentally blast his recharger pistol into the night sky a few times, with a little maniacal laugh coming from him while doing so. The thugs did not damage the thing, excellent! As far as he knew, recharger pistols only appear in the Mojave. He laughed a little more as he strolled around shooting the thing, like a strobe light. Sighing happily, and looking about, he finally said to the group: "Hmmm?" Getting a grip on himself, he took another pause to think. After quickly weighing the options, he spoke up. "Well, first we enjoy ourselves a little, get some [i]chems[/i], booze, girls, gamble. Get ammunition, fix up our gear, I think I might need a little more armour than this here. We get to know each other, and finally...." He took a dramatic pause, letting everyone know that was what he was doing through means of a drum-roll on his lap. "We decide if we are doing this, or just getting the hell out of Reno."