[b]Akane Hanazawa // Sapphire Inn - F1[/b] Sunday, July 5th, 2015 In the end, it all worked out well for her. Akane got her fight with the knight, though, technically she's to get it away from the pot and 'hold it off' but a fight nonetheless. Then again, maybe 'distracting the knight' would be a better way to phrase it because if before was any indication this shadow may not exactly be allied with the other shadows. But in their position, it's better to be safe than sorry. From their recent exchange, this shadow has quite the physical strength, so it might be best for herself to avoid going in close. [i]Which means...it's time to play bait again.[/i] Drawing her katana, she charged towards the knight as if to attack before stopping and jumping to the side, calling forth Setanta, having him attack from behind the knight with [b]'Kill Rush'[/b]. She then moved in with a strike of her own but only a light strike, to draw the shadows attention and striking just within her attack range so she can drop back and lure it away from the pot, and the others. Once she's able to lure it away, she will then be able to fight 'till her hearts content without having to worry about the knight getting in their way.