[hider=LADY NIGHTMARE] [center][URL=http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/195554/taring_serigala.font][IMG]http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=195554&s=65&t=Lady%20Nightmare&c=0099FF[/IMG][/URL] [color=0099ff]Quote: [/color][h2]"Would you Die for Me?"[/h2] [color=0099ff]Theme Song: [/color][url=http://youtu.be/dXMfdpjnAHU]Adrenalize - In This Moment[/url][/center] [color=0099ff]Name : [/color]Sara Silversmith [color=0099ff]Alias: [/color]LADY NIGHTMARE [color=0099ff]Age: [/color]24 [color=0099ff]Powers and Skills: [/color] [Hider=Powers] SENSE FEAR Capabilities Using this ability she can sense and even define the fears of her targets. (The flaw of this ability is that when she encounters a person driven by fear or shows a lack of it she must be near them and study them) FEAR INDUCEMENT Capabilities She can evoke and increase fear and horror in others causing her target’s brain to release fear-inducing chemicals. Her victim’s perceptions are altered, causing them see their environment as ominous and her as dark and foreboding, or even be seen as a monster prepared to consume them. FEARFUL SCREAM Capabilities She has the ability to scream a very loud echo that causes fear in others and has shattered glass windows around her. (A sub power of Fear Inducement.) FEAR AGUMENTATION Capabilities Nightmare is able to augment the fears of others. She can make an aerophobe so afraid of flying that they never set foot on a plane/airport or even die of fright when the plane flies. Any fear can be amplified to the point of the victim dying of fright, usually a heart-attack. (She can sense the targets fears or phobias) FEAR EMPOWERMENT Capabilities She consumes Fear, through fear of oneself and others, unlocking her powers true abilities. She is able draw sustenance from fear even slowing or stop her aging process. Also her physical needs are greatly reduced or completely removed. These needs include sleep/rest, food, drink, bodily evacuations, shelter from environmental effects and their lack (heat/cold, dryness/wetness). NIGHTMARE MANIPULATION Capabilities She can enter and manipulate the nightmares of others, including modifying, suppressing, fabricating, influencing, manifesting, sensing, and observing nightmares. The overwhelming shock, fear, anxiety and terror can prove too suffocating for the victim in which their hearts might explode or brains might die. (Victim must be sleeping) LIMITED SHAPESHIFTING Capabilities Nightmare may shift between two distinct forms called Trisha an Nightmare DARK ILLUSION Capabilities Lady can create, shape and manipulate shadows and darkness to create illusions, causing targets to see, hear, touch, smell and/or taste things which do not actually exist or cause them to perceive things differently from what they truly are. Also she can alter the way she is perceived even seeming to vanish. (She must have shadows to work with and her detail improves by how dark the chosen area is.) ENHANCED EYESIGHT (low light, UV, IR)[/Hider] [color=0099ff]Weaknesses: [/color] Bright light such as Sunlight or a spotlight beamed directly on her which banishes her fear power [color=0099ff]Personality: [/color] Sara is a complicated woman who has had her previous personality overwhelmed by her addiction to fear. Once an empathic young woman who saw herself as a champion of the truth she was transformed after her kidnapping into a predator. As a result of her exposure and survival Sara became a creature who feeds on the fears of others and has little regard for her victims viewing them with the same sympathy as a cat does a mouse. It is only her tenuous grasp on her former self that makes her choose as her prey the criminal element and were she to simply scare them might be more acceptable than her frightening them to death. [color=0099ff]Appearance: [/color][Hider=LADY NIGHTMARE][IMG]http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/ab/9d/29/ab9d29f22182ea51b39da533adc000f0.jpg[/IMG] [img]http://cdnstatic.visualizeus.com/thumbs/46/84/beauty,fantasy,gothic,pinups,sexy-4684692a6b25d2a241a3d77322a9a1bd_h.jpg[/img][/Hider] [Hider=Sara Silversmith][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/a0/0e/83/a00e83cd56224cc2c9cd58d77b2108ab.jpg[/img][/Hider] [color=0099ff]Biggest Claim to Fame: [/color]Powers rival that of Scarecrow, and Batman commented that she punches harder than Crane as well [color=0099ff]How Long Have You Been in Prison: [/color]7 months in Arkham [color=0099ff]Brief History: [/color]Sara was once a respected journalist who's lack of fear and ability to get her story made her the most watched News woman in the City. Some would think her troubles all began when she was kidnapped by a dark unknown figure then humiliated, tortured and held prisoner for several days but they would be wrong. Sara had been a fear junkie since she was a little girl performing stunts that awed her friends and terrorized her parents . It was her need to experience fear that led her to enter the world of investigative reporting and that same need that made her the best. It during her ordeal that something that had lay dormant her entire life awakened and on that day she became Nightmare a creature of fear. Notes: [color=0099ff]Skills:[/color] Journalism, Research (historical), Interview, Subterfuge, Surveillance, Sense Motive and Helicopter pilot [/hider]