Horus had to restrain himself with every fiber of his being to keep his eyes from widening at the mention that he'd receive 1000 caps up front for the job. He'd never seen that kind of money all in one place let alone expect to get it as an advanced payment on his first job. For a moment he arrogantly thought his makeshift desperado costume might have given the impression he knew what he was doing but knew deep down that probably wasn't the case. He followed his captor out of the holding area remaining silent. Collecting his things Horus eagerly reached for his hat and snugged it down atop his bald head with gusto. After fashioning his weapons back in their place and quickly checking his medical supplies to ensure nothing had been stolen he followed the ghoul outside to the Highwayman. Horus stood away from the vehicle and admired it for a while whilst the others took their seats. It felt like an eternity since he'd seen one in working order, not since the bombs fell. He closed his eyes and listened to the familiar hum of the engine. His father had owned one when he was young and Horus felt he had caught a familiar glimpse of his old life before his skin withered and his voice decayed. The driver called out to him as the others stared from the back seats and Horus quickly snapped himself out of the trance and took a seat in the Highwayman. Horus listened intently to the leads the driver offered as they drove to New Reno. Horus wasn't sure where he would begin and instead took the time to close his eyes and daydream, feeling the familiar if ruined upholstery and vibration from the engine block he thought back to his days riding in the back seat as a boy with his father driving. ------------ Upon arriving in New Reno Horus stuck with the group for a while. A few of them broke away at moments and did what they could to cause a fuss but Horus quickly learned it mattered little in a town like New Reno, it took a lot to draw attention in a town like this. After walking a bit farther the group stopped and began to weigh their options. The action movie hero spoke up and offered that they should meet him at the Shark Club to pursue a lead. [color=green]"Maybe I'll see you there."[/color] Horus said in a crackly voice. [color=green]"Need to pick up a few things first."[/color] He broke away from the group without another word. He knew that if he was tasked with snooping around for the Pagans he'd need to do something about his appearance. If his first trip to New Reno taught him anything it was that like many places in the wasteland ghouls were not welcomed with open arms. Still, it was better than the 'shoot on sight' policy of other places. During his first visit he spotted an equipment shop and began making his way there. He figured his only hope was to disguise himself as best he could in the hopes of getting into some of the casinos and bars to pursue the leads he had been given. The lead on Vault City was out of the question, he'd heard stories from other ghouls that they shoot on sight and didn't want any part of that, even if this was mercenary work. With that option out he was left to join the other Merc at the Shark Club or try his luck at the Desperado. Once he found the equipment shop Horus picked out a bandana for his face and an old pair a riding goggles. He figured he would look enough like and adventurer that the casino guards would give him a pass without prompting him to speak and blow his cover. Exiting the shop he still couldn't make up his mind on which lead to pursue. At his wits end he fell back on an old tradition of his to coax him to make up his mind. He'd flip a coin. Heads, he'd join the other Merc at the Shark Club, Tails, he'd head to the Desperado.