Dusty frowned, looking almost disappointed. Leads? They were looking for leads on someone named Lazzari? Well that's boring. She hated the whole 'figure out who you need to beat up and then find them' sort of junk. She liked the people with the big brains and stuff to figure out the who and the where, and then she could do the punching. Boring. Dusty was about to just take a breather and let the men do the sissy work, until one of them suggested combining work and play. The well dressed man suggested the group met up with him later, so even if Dusty found nothing then he might have something. Good. That means she wouldn't have to work as hard. The Ghoul was the next to scurry off, to do whatever it was ghouls did. Which left her and Doc, as well as the older man who had yet to make himself known. And since none of the other mercs decided to introduce themselves, nicknames it is. Dusty turned to her long time acquaintance, giving him a mock salute. "Well, Doc, I guess I'll see you in an hour! Gotta go collect..." Dusty forgot the word for a moment, snapping her fingers until the phrase completed itself in her head. "Leads! Yeah. Leads." But by now Dusty was already wandering off into the city, excited by the possibility of girls, booze and chems. And where to get all of that? And maybe even a lead if she was lucky? A bar. A seedy and nasty bar. She would have to find one based off the smell and the sound, as reading the sign was out of the picture. She stood outside The Last Call, strtching her arms above her head before seeking out a woman outside. Dusty knew a thing or two about hookers, mostly that they knew more then they led on. Women of the night often heard more then most. But Dusty also knew a thing or two about caps, and that was to always keep an eye on your pockets. She might keep the air of an unobservant addict, but she knew that money was the most important thing around. The Raider happily sauntered up to a woman, standing a bit away from the entrance to the bar. Dusty smiled, a look that looked pretty good on her, as she spoke. "Hey Darlin' hows about you and I get a drink?" Dusty said, beckoning over her shoulder at the bar. "I'll cover the costs, and you can tell me all about this fine city."