[center]She had been lost in her thoughts upon that shore, tempted to step closer to the water and let the cool liquid spill across her feet with each passing wave, but she was pulled abruptly from her musings as soon as she had caught his scent. It wafted on the air, laced with the musk and salt of the ocean, and Clara couldn't help but heave a sigh. It was inevitable that he would come looking for her; there was no way for her to avoid it. However, it was curious how quick he was to come find her this time around. Honestly, it was rather brave of him, if he had been intent on prying her from the beach to drag her back home – this was not the time or place to pick a fight with her. The woman had been in a terrible mood the moment she'd set foot in her old stomping grounds. She hadn't been there since that night – that horrible, awful night that haunted her day in and day out and now that she was here, she thought of nothing but that night… It was quite the way to sour her mood. Even still as he approached her, Clara had not moved. Her arms lifted to cross upon her chest as she looked out upon the dark ocean, listening to the rhythmic waves pulse in and out for a long moment before he'd finally broken that little bit of peace that she found. His words had caused her brow to twitch and she shut her eyes in the annoyance that was soon building within her. He had told her only a few days – they'd be in and out and they'd be gone once he was sure that the property was in good shape until his next visit… She was not surprised that something had gone wrong – it had been so very long since they'd been there. After a long moment, Clara had finally turned her attention to Jaden, her eyes narrowed on him for only a moment. She'd noticed how he'd collected her shoes somewhere along the way. "Of course we will…" She murmured, her soft voice dripping with sarcasm as her glare remained upon him momentarily before looking back out to the ocean. "Because that's just how my luck works, isn't it?" She continued. "Stuck in this awful place for far longer than you [i]promised[/i] me." She'd noticed how he couldn't even look at her for far too long – a habit that he seemed to be picking up as of late. Clara couldn't necessarily blame him – she'd been quite terrible to him over the past years, and part of her did feel guilt although she'd never admit it out loud. Because no matter how she had treated him, he continued to remain – continued to try to keep her happy regardless of her anger. He had to have known that most of her anger had not sprouted from him, but from another and she couldn't very well contain it. A slighted female was a dangerous one, at the end of the day… But also at the end of that day – she owed him her very life. Perhaps that was why for all of the yelling and the grievance that she had given him, she had never harmed him nor would ever think of doing so. "I still don't understand why you needed to drag me here. You could have left me at the last estate…" Ah, but he knew full well she would only go out searching for trouble, didn't he? [/center][@Raijinslayer]