Cecilia was tempted to observe the campers leaving the bus. But she worried about spotting someone with a considerably altered physical appearance, perhaps someone sensitive about their looks. And what if she couldn't stop looking? What if they saw her staring? What if they then confronted her? A nervous scratch of her cheek to lead her out of the hypothetical - surely that couldn't possibly happen. She reasoned that there couldn't be any harm in just peeking, so she turned her head to the transit's doors, seeing person after person step off. She didn't want to make any lasting impressions from this bout of curiosity, but she was at least somewhat relieved that none of the few individuals she saw appeared to be "made of rock", nor "majorly cybernetic", nor glowing in some way or fashion. After she noticed a young, seemingly normal, brunette leave the bus, she sighed in relief and resumed waiting as she was before.