[img]http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh589/vincespera/Steam1_zpsqm5nffda.jpg[/img] [u][b][center]The Republic of New Era[/center][/b][/u] [hider=Government] [b]Republic[/b] - Each person in each state elects representatives in their local government and state government. Local government leaders speak with state leaders, and state leaders represent the people and their voice to the President of New Era, who is also elected by popular vote. [/hider] [hider=Culture] The Republic of New Era is based on liberty and freedom. The ability to do what you want, seek your fortune, make your mark, without restriction from any sort of ruling class. The local and state governments exist to keep order, and maintain progress throughout New Era. Women and Men are free to dress as they please, say what they want, as long as they do not kill, steal, burn, or incite any sort of violence toward another's life and/or property. This freedom has allowed new inventions to become possible, medicines to be researched, and progress to be made. New Era can be quite unusual with its citizens clashing in fashion, ideology, religion, education, and means of expression, all are important in New Era, and all are respected...for the most part.[/hider] [hider=Military] WIP [/hider] [hider=History] [center][u][b]Colonization[/b][/u][/center] New Era, a breath a fresh air compared to the monarchs of old, birthed from an ideology that was once thought to be distant is now happening today. It is the child of Pandria, an Empire once located on the map, apart of the continent we know as Edoniras. Pandria was ruled by a crown, protected by the great royal bloodlines, sustained over and over again from the blood, sweat, and tears of those to be forgotten. The Empire of Pandria was no more than a machine, and at the helm of this machine was a naive boy claiming to be a fair ruler of all. Soon Pandria found itself financing expeditions to new lands, finding a new continent that held such wonderful opportunities, further wealth, and claim had been long ignored and the Empire wanted what they saw as their's. Ships were built, manned by military, but of course the majority would be commoners, promised riches and adventures. Their mission was set sail, claim land suitable for growth, and settle it in the name of Pandria. In the beginning, voyages failed to reach, but over time settlements sprouted up and down the coast line upon discovering a inlet of sorts now declared as Resurrection Bay. It was the mainland to be colonized first and the islands followed, most islands were used for military and trading, rather than living. Although much of the settlements failed, the ones that did survive, had stretched across the bay each year that had followed success. More troops, more commoners, more people flocked to the new continent as promise of safe travel, safe towns, and opportunity became more appealing to the masses of Pandria. This expansion was during a time where the crown began stricter regulations and laws, paranoia after an assassination attempt failed. The crown would ensure his claim and unbeknownst to the colonies, nobles were installed across the new land that had not even been settled by them. Law of Pandria quickly took hold of the settlements and now developing towns which created tension among the populace. They were fine with paying their share to be protected by Pandria, but for most, the new continent was a means to get away from the ridiculous laws the Empire enforced. [center][u][b]The Formation of the Ghost Army[/b][/u][/center] Nathaniel Ghost, now known all across New Era as the Usurper. Born in a small town just off the coast of Resurrection Bay in one of the two largest colonial territories apart of the Pandria Empire. His father, James Ghost, a blacksmith and member of a secret cabal called, The New Era Order. It was his father who began Nathaniel's track to becoming one of the most influential individuals in the revolution against the crown. The New Era Order held gatherings to discuss their ideology that opposed the very power of Pandria, in fact the Order had been infiltrated during its adolescent years and several influential figures apart of the Order had been hung as warning to all others. This did not stop the cause, it only reinforced it, and strengthened their resolve. James Ghost would be one of the men hung, in front of his wife, and three children, Nathaniel Ghost was present. Years later, Nathaniel would be invited to one of the gatherings, he learned of his father's role in the order and decided to pick up where he left off. Ultimately, Nathaniel would convince men of all trades, all across the land, up and down the coast, wherever the Pandria Empire reached to put their actions where their mouths were. This would be the start of what was deemed by the Empire, The Ghost Army. Toward the end of summer as fall shifted in, Nathaniel spread the word of the day that the movement would rise above the grounds in which they operated. There were four major missions of the revolt, to take back the colonies, safely escort supporters from Pandria to the new continent, send off all nobles back to Pandria from the new continent, and secure as many ships as they could. [center][u][b]Day of Reckoning[/b][/u][/center] Towns came to life as ordinary citizens both male and female took to the night, sneaking to their gathering spots under the guise of darkness. Some of these spots would be compromised before a revolt could ever establish itself, but many found success rallying everyone together and overthrowing forts, outposts, barracks, and any other military or political establishments the Pandria had their hold on. The first day had swiftly reduced the numbers of Pandria troops, and reduced Pandria's ability to mass any sort of counter. A majority of the towns turned within a day or two over to the Order's control. It was such a mass organized, calculated plan, that Nathaniel started believing in miracles with how smooth it played out. Once the Order had gained footholds across towns inside of Pandria control, the real war began. This same day, the Order had several Pandria officers assassinated, counts, barons, and a duke were among the dead. By the time the Crown received word, he was dealing with own problems on the home front. It seemed the Order had even breached his own military, some believing that the Crown had gone mad and turned against. Several high level officials came up dead by those who protected them, streets burned from riots, and all that could be done was retaliation. Nathaniel Ghost set an entire wave of chaos and anarchy through the holds of Pandria based on an ideology he truly believed in, thanks to his father. [center][u][b]When the Dust settles[/b][/u][/center] By the end of the war, the colonies on the new continent had completely severed their bonds from the Pandria Empire. Pandria tried rebuilding, but resources had been depleted by the Crown's decision to put all efforts in stomping out the Ghost Army. Although successful in the end, it was not without its consequences and slowly Pandria could not support itself. Internal uprisings began among the people all over the land, even Pandria could not afford to pay their own soldiers and abandonment became common. Soon after the war with the Ghost Army, the Crown lost all control, and was said to have been killed by one of his own advisers. After the collapse of Pandria, some took the chance and went to the new continent, others rebuilt their towns and kept life going as usual. [center][u][b]Establishing the Republic of New Era[/b][/u][/center] Nathaniel Ghost, Isaac Mayne, Dominic Wilson, James Hamilton, Wesley Law, Alexander Devente, Cameron Shaw, Jesse Chapman, Christopher Dawson, James Enclaire, Asya Jaihaira (Caleese), Zawadi Atieno (Caleese), William Haynes, Joel Richards, Finn Kain, Kayden Fisher, Caleb Oakley, Liam Robinson, Neema Safiri (Caleese), Badru Khalfani (Caleese), and Nadira Budhya (Caleese). These men once of the Padria Empire, and Men and Women from the Caleese tribes were all leaders in the revolt against the Crown and were the ones to determine and agree upon the state borders, they eventually all found themselves elected by the people to be either local or state leaders. Nathaniel Ghost would become the first President of New Era.[/hider] [hider=Other] Caleese - Once slaves of the Padria Empire, taken from their homes and used to colonize the new colonies, now citizens of New Era through helping the New Era Order and establishing the New Era government.[/hider] [hider=Inspirations] [img]http://img08.deviantart.net/75f6/i/2015/039/5/5/neo_victorian_soldier_by_sykugen-d8h43ln.jpg[/img] Navy Officer Attire [img]http://coolvibe.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/steampunkgirl.jpg[/img] Army Officer staring at the departure of Airships in New Era [img]http://www.naanoo.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/steampunk-3.jpg[/img] Black Rose Mercenary looking over an Industrial Town in New Era [img]http://randomwallpapers.net/steampunk-train-station-digital-art-2560x1600-wallpaper19147.jpg[/img] Black Rose Mercenaries spotted in a Port Station in New Era [img]https://cdna0.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/000/656/896/large/angelique-shelley-train-stationfinv1-5000px.jpg?1430007864[/img] Two Caleesians passing one another at a train station, one more traditional in appearance, as the other seems to have adapted to a style found among former Padria citizens.[/hider]