[center][img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_l4z_uk_P7MU/TMNbvokTRoI/AAAAAAAAIsg/6xT3huGADBk/s1600/Gurye.JPG[/img] [h2]The Lion Of The Sea[/h2][/center] [hider=The Ravinkra Principalities] [center]The Ravinkra Principalities [/center] Government: Ravinkra is ruled by a strong centralized government under the direct authority of the Ever queen. Individual regions, or [i]ser serau[/i], are entrusted to powerful vassals called great princes. This feudal system is unique to Ravinkra, as each of the great princes is treated as a sovereign within his or hers domain. A lawful claim to the Ravioran throne comes with each such position, though the strength of the B'ight-Si dynasty has kept most rivals in check for the last century. The great princes wield considerable power within their territories, but the modern age has brought a system of wealth generation that lies outside their direct purview. Wealth is its own form of power, and because few princes or their subordinates directly control the flow of trade and vital industry within the kingdom, they are beholden to those who dominate finance—namely, merchant princes called the kayazy. Theoretically, the kayazy have no political power except as given to them via special appointments. In practice, however, it is quite common for members of the kayazy to purchase title and position or for nobles to elevate them to stations of governance in their name and then take advantage of their skills and wealth for mutual benefit. A similar equilibrium exists within the government’s extensive bureaucracy. In the years since the B'ight-Si dynasty, successive monarchs have vested some of their power into various agencies in an effort to relinquish some of the tedium of rulership and to see their wills more easily enacted. Though such agencies exist only at the sufferance of the monarch, the oldest of them are now indispensable to running the empire’s vital business. No monarch wishes to spend all her hours writing the banal laws required for modern commerce and industry, collecting taxes and overseeing the treasury, or arbitrating countless grievances. Lawmaking bodies have therefore arisen in each region to regulate the economy, educate young minds, and ensure an aggressive pace of war manufacturing. Some of these agencies are more prone to corruption than others, though in most cases they run a greater risk of mismanaging their time or becoming bloated with functionaries devoted only to preserving themselves rather than serving the government. Ravinkra experienced considerable modernization in the last century as its economic machine transitioned to the industrial era. Though the kingdom’s government has adopted, its underlying structure remains little different from the days of the ancient Ravinic Kingdom. Overall, Ravinkra’s bureaucracy is resistant to change. Were it not for the intelligence, charisma, and political acumen of Everqueen Kara, this embedded reticence would likely result in problems for the kingdom. Under a weak sovereign, many of the nation’s governmental functions would certainly fall into chaotic bickering and self-destructive territorial disputes. Culture: The royal kingdom of Ravinkra is unique among the nations of Edoniras. Much of the ruling class ethnic group did not, in fact, originate from Edoniras, but instead are inheritors to an ancient empire from Hadricia called Tarhuken. Thus are darker of skin than those Lancians who live in the north. Their Tarhuken heritage left them with advanced seafaring, agricultural, military and even astronomical knowledge that allowed them to thrive in a place where others merely hoped to survive. Ravinkra society is fairly martial, and nearly everyone is expected to have a grasp of basic weaponry and combat, although only the rulers are generally expected to have detailed knowledge of strategy, formations, and tactics. Another unique aspect of Ravinkra society is that women tend to have a greater presence among the ruling elite and tend to hold many higher ranking positions in the military sector. In Ravinkra women are seen as equals and are expected to know at least basic swordsmanship. This is believed to be in part due to the unbroken chain of female rulers since the dawning of the nation. Along with the strong following of Debilla the Goddess of Storms who has been patron deity to the country for centuries. The people of Ravinkra have persevered against considerable adversity to preserve this rich and distinct culture. Perhaps as a result of the difficulties of life amid the heavy rain, fog-shrouded and boggy lands, Ravinfolk has fought fiercely to retain their heritage. Most are deeply traditional people who take to heart the legacy of past glories. Even the humblest fishermen feel a strong connection to the tales of the accomplishments of their forebears. The family is of great importance to Ravinfolk; large families are common, even for those struggling to feed their children. Gatherings of extended families are frequent and are occasions for feasting, celebration, and inevitable arguments. Most who live here have a strong connection to both the land and the sea and the sense that family lines are forever rooted in places where the blood of their ancestors was spilled. While this attachment to the land is most obvious among the nobility even commoners feel a deep affinity for their places of birth, proud of even the arduous aspects of their environment. Those enduring hard lives amid the tropics and moors would live nowhere else, finding austere, rugged beauty in the difficult soil where they struggle to produce meager crops. The notion of fortune and chance are intrinsic in Ravinkra society. Ravinfolk can find excuses to gamble on almost anything, which translates to attempting to predict the outcome of any conflict. The people of Ravinkra know that fortunes can turn on the smallest and most unlikely of circumstances. Hard work has its place, but after a grueling day of labor, many seek relief in diversions, whether through games of chance or by raising one’s voice in song or by drowning one’s troubles in ale. Music is something enjoyed by Ravinfolk of all classes, whether in the form of bawdy tavern songs or grand operas and symphonies. Other diversions include a variety of sports and displays of prowess, which take place at festivals, fairs, or local drinking holes. Some sports are martial in nature, and Ravinfolk enjoy a good brawl or even a formal duel if the occasion presents itself. Other challenges include knife-throwing, axe-hurling, darts, the lifting of heavy stones, and both horse and foot races. Even the poorest and hardest working of Ravmen will often set aside at least some time during the week for such entertainments, as either a participant or an observer, and preferably while betting on the outcome. In addition to entertainment, these gatherings provide an excuse for people of different social classes to mingle. Military: WIP History: WIP Other: TBD [/hider]