Sara was bored, bored, bored and a bit hungry but not for the drek that passed as nutrition in Arkham or this new place; No she wanted to taste the sweet nectar of fear. She wanted to taste the soul freezing expectation of imminent death but ever since she'd been exposed and captured she'd been starved and here she was being threatened with a good time by a bureaucrat telling her that they'd basically poisoned her food. Then the woman showed fear by telling them she'd done this to prevent their escape or disobedience. [b]"Did everyone enjoy your food? Because it was laced with nanite explosives that have made their way through your bodies by now. You don't do as you're told or you try and go AWOL on me... you die. Simple as that."[/b] the mouse said with a little grin. Then they took off her restraints and the hated collar releasing her true self from imprisonment. Black oily smoke poured from her body obscuring her and replacing the beautiful blonde Sara with [url=]LADY NIGHTMARE[/url]. The drugs they'd kept flowing in her blood were purged in moments by her insaitable hunger now free to feed. She giggled in delight as the guards and others in the room react with delicious fear which she gobbled up like a starving child and is barely able to contain her desire for more. [color=0099ff]Mmmm..... I was just starving.[/color] she purred as she looked around the room at the others. She wanted more, she wanted to feel everyone around her go into full on fight or flight mode so that she could drain them till they died trembling before her as she fed on their souls.