Manny scowled as he watched Reece trundle off to acquire something to catch that damned bird. He was going to shoot him. He was going to shoot him in his stupid underachieving face. At least, that's what Manny told himself. What he refused to admit was that he was absolutely certain that something was off about the subordinate, and that he couldn't place what exactly it was. The animals awakened by Kassy began to whip themselves into a frenzy and attempt to force their way out of their prisons. It wasn't until a few of them actually managed to do so that Manny was made to scramble to try and lock them back in while also trying to avoid getting clawed by the sea going raptor. With Manny distracted, and Percy still reeling from his latest injury no one was any the wiser when Viola was subjected to a two pronged attack. She'd just barely managed to prize a particularly vicious coati from her arm when she'd felt the strong grasp of Kassy lock around her throat. "[b][i]Wh-[/i][/b]" She'd started to hiss before her airway was block off by the pressure. Viola began to struggle violently against her unseen attacker, unable to call out beyond a few soft rasps to Percy, whom had just barely began to rise before he found himself tackled by what may have been the most aggressive creature that had been aboard the ship: A tasmanian devil. What the beast lacked in size it more than made up for in ferocity, biting and clawing, and lashing about in a frenzy as it cried it's hateful cry. As if heeding the will of all that was malevolent in the universe, a honey badger and a wolverine cub swiftly joined the frenzy, putting on a violent show that even Pulse himself probably would have had a hard time trying to match. The big man screamed and flailed about, adrenaline rushing through his system as he tried to dislodge the malefic trifecta from his person, still unaware of his partner's dilemma. The rhino calf, meanwhile, continued it's trot along the beach.