[center][h1]THE AGE OF NATIONS[/h1][/center] [center][u][b]TURN 1. October, 1814 to March, 1815.[/b][/u][/center] Peace. For the first time in fifteen years, the Continent had known peace. The [b]Congress of Nations[/b] had convened and decided that the fate of the [b][color=red]Civitan Imperium[/color][/b] would not be as harsh as initially intended. The colonial power, which retained the majority of it's overseas holdings, was a necessary evil to ensure the powers of conservatism remained in place. A single provision in the [b]Treaty of Vieux[/b] ([i]1815[/i]) did come into effect in January, 1815--the only lasting effect that would maintain the new government of the United Territories of Civitas remembered the effects the Tyrant had wrought: The Civitan army was allowed at 80,000 men and not a single one more, lest the UTC incur the wrath of the four other great powers. January was a shuttering and sickening cold, especially in the Norstran lands of Aontan, Svealand and Marnland. Horrible snowfall packed the countryside and turned travel into a daunting affair for only the most rugged--or foolish--travelers. The snowfalls maintained their ferocity into mid-March, with the annual freezing of ports in the north such as Torrik, Aontas. [center][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d6/'The_Blizzard',_oil_on_canvas_painting_by_Cornelius_Krieghoff,_c._1860.jpg[/img] [i]The Blizzard, by Aontan artist Gustav Ergil during the Blizzards of 1815[/i][/center] The Smargad Sea claimed it's usual rough patches, with light snowfall in Vornehm and the Tsardom dotting the rural countryside. These snows were full and fanciful, unlike that of the Norstran lands, which were anything but. Life in Civitas returned to normal. Their merchants braved the roads, Consuls Constantine Andius Felusia and Quintus Gowius Tritus both got to work, picking up the pieces the Tyrant had left in their wake. [hr][hr] [b]NATIONS MAY NOW POST THEIR ORDERS AT THE [b][color=red]END[/color][/b] OF THEIR IC POSTS[/b] [b][u]ORDERS FORM[/u][/b] [code]-[b]Action 1[/b] - [b]Action 2[/b] - [b]Action 3[/b] - [b]Naval Ship Assignment[/b] - [[b]Demobilization[/b]] - [Mobilization] - [b]Research Priorities[/b][/code]