[center][h1][color=goldenrod]ANNOUNCEMENT TIME[/color][/h1][/center] Righty ho, apologies for these constant intermissions folks, I swear I have almost finished constructing the life raft that will help me survive the flood of papers coming my way. Now below I have a working roster sheet of all accepted characters. As I have already discussed this a bit with our all mighty Co-GM, I really would like to avoid splitting the numbers across genders, as it just doesn’t feel right. So instead of giving some people the short end of the stick, I’m upping the number of “most powerful” slots from 9 to 13. If you see you are sharing a slot with someone else, I would like for you to talk amongst one another and sort out who gets to keep the spot. I would like this to be done before I open the RP up on Saturday, so the sooner we get this done, the better. I am more than happy to help with this, so just speak up if you need me. [b]ALSO[/b] Now would be a good time to start talking to each other and figuring about how ya’ll feel about your fellow Godslayers. I’m not going to be asking for full on relationship sheets by Saturday, but it would be very beneficial if you can get at least a handle on who they like and who they can’t stand. Of course, fleshing out a handful of relationships past that point is preferred, but I don’t want you folks to feel too rushed on this. [hider=Oh my, this looks familiar] 1 - Gemini [@Xiro Zean] 2 – Rue [@Nanjue] ! Odin [@Doltboy] 3 – Rabbit [@Holy Soldier] 4 – Aegis [@Rune_Alchemist] 5 – Karu [@DeathXtheXTree] 6 – Ashe [@Ashevelendar] ! Six [@HaltingBlooper] 7 – Raiden [@Shadow Daedalus] ! Ven [@Kyrisse] 8 – Virgil [@EnterTheHero] 9 10 Lucius [@Mangrale] 11 12 13 … 20 – Atlas [@Slendy] 43 – Jakob [@Thecrash20] 114 – Astrape [@Shadow Daedalus] 143 – Blair [@UberBlutwurst] [/hider] Now on to [s]picking up my slack[/s] other business. [@Slendy] Thanks for that, you are welcome to add Atlas over to the character tab. [@HaltingBlooper] Excellent, go chuck Six into the character tab. [@Thecrash20] Jakob looks good to me, although I would like if for now you edited out the parts that state his equipment is made from god bones, as at the start of the RP no one has heard of a god dying quite yet. Also, there should be a few spots open within the top 13, but I would much prefer it if you waited until the people with conflicting numbers sorted out where their characters will go before you claim one. [@Xiro Zean] First off, I want to say I really, really like the concept of the Gemini sisters. The only real issue I have is that their ability seems a bit too perfected because as it stands, it doesn’t seem to have any real limitations or ways for it to be improved upon at later ranks. I think that some kind of time limit or even a durability adjustment would help make it feel more in line with other abilities at rank B. I’ll leave the nature of the tweaking to you, but other than that the sisters are good in my books. [@Doltboy] Our majestic Co-GM hit the nail on the head. Things are trucking along, but busy lives have been making it a slower grind than I intended, so I apologize for the hold up. We should be able to start by Saturday, assuming nothing catastrophic happens between now and then. [@Shadow Daedalus] In all honesty, I completely forgot all about poor Gray aha. I’ll see how the roster sheet fills up and stick him in an appropriate spot.