[@AdmrlStalfos19] Now that you mention those things, the quirk doesn't seem that overpowered anymore. The quirk's good to go. [@BassDropp]Simple quirk, I like it. Just wondering, how strong are those bursts of kinetic energy? If it allows him sustained flight, they're more constant than just quick bursts? Maybe he could have exhausts-like structures on his joints and appendages where he could release those blasts from? If I'd compare this to existing quirks from the series, it would probably be a combination of [ur=http://bokunoheroacademia.wikia.com/wiki/Jetl]Jet[/url] and [url=http://bokunoheroacademia.wikia.com/wiki/Explosion]Explosion[/url]. The former only allows its user to release propulsive blasts of air from their feet while the latter creates explosions with the use of his sweat which is extremely volatile; the user's palm sweats a lot, so he usually releases explosions from there. Maybe you could come up with some of condition similar to the ones that I mentioned?