[center]There was a noise from Isyph that bordered on startled, before she turned it into a slightly muted cough. The Uquii turned and looked at Dodger, up and down for a moment, much as she had with Anne in the Guild Center. Similarly, she took note of his features and of the smile that seemed perpetually on his face. Her hands slid into her pockets and her head tilted downward a bit, her eyes now glued to the ground. Color touched her cheeks, though she wouldn't have labeled it as nervous...she would rarely dare to let people know she even felt such a thing. [color=FFDAB9]"Not in truth, Anne,"[/color] she almost got choked up saying the Elf's name, but took a deep breath and began the tedious process of composing herself while in the act of acting composed, [color=FFDAB9]"I've only known Dodger for a few hours. He's a been a great help, though and I like to think of him as a friend I don't really [i]know[/i] that well. He found me sitting around, singing one of my songs and...I'm not sure, thought that it was a good reason to talk to a lonely girl?"[/color] She reprimanded herself, internally, knowing she wouldn't stop talking anytime soon. [color=FFDAB9]"Anyway, we talked about Guilds and things for a while, this is relevant to your question, so don't worry, and how I thought I'd end up having to head back to Silverbrook, where I'm from in case you're wondering or I didn't say...or if you already knew. So, eventually the idea came up that I'd [i]make[/i] a Guild."[/color] A self-satisfied smile crept onto her face as she continued, trying her best to make this a story that wouldn't drag on for hours; or one riddled with her penchant for exaggeration and hyperbole. She kept her hands in her pockets, but felt that it was a precaution necessary to keep her from trying to pilfer whatever Anne or even Dodger might have on their person. Isyph Al-Delad wasn't the best thief, but she had a burning desire to be recognized as at least above average. [color=FFDAB9]"What you saw was us fussing over the Starless Partners,"[/color] she turned to Anne, then, smiling broadly, [color=FFDAB9]"It's a Guild we made...for irregulars."[/color] She didn't follow up with her usual disparaging remarks about how she felt she was the only true irregular in the group, but that was for another time. [color=FFDAB9]"I've decided, though I don't know what Dodger really thinks about it, to help people with this Guild. To do something that will make a difference in Delad."[/color] The thought turned her eyes skyward, where the light of day began bleeding into night's encroaching umbrage. The Lunar Festival was fast approaching, and they still had a stop to make. The Serene Pools weren't far ahead of them and travel was quick, given that most people had begun to migrate towards the Resplendent Plaza; where the main event of the Festival would be taking place. There were still stragglers, here and there, Isyph noticed, around the Pools; as she could spy them from a distance. A pair of those from the Order of the Eclipse, strange people to Isyph...who always thought it might be better to just let the Moonscratched accept their fate. A woman directing some harsh, but subdued words at the statues of Belme and Gnara...a spear resting over her shoulder. [color=FFDAB9]"The temple should be opposite this side of the pool. I think you can see it around Belme's hip. If you want, I'd [i]love[/i] to see what's going on in there..."[/color][/center]