(Happy reading. Collab-post between me and Claw2k11) [center] [h1] Azrekan Kingdom [/h1] [img] https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/3c2f88c5-3fe5-4dee-ae66-c88f10d5a9e3.gif [/img] [/center] [hr] In the streets of Odria, a large group had arrived. Namely they were the delegation of Azrekan - alongside their Viscountess Merebelle Light. Many a whispers had shrouded the city, due to no small fact - that there was a marriage to be planned between the monarchs of the two countries. Most of the smallfolk were abuzz about this, for they know that large feast is currently in the planning to satisfy both the nation's interests. Likely so, there might be whispers amongst the ruling powers - the Royalists and Republicans. While the King lacked power here, in Azrekan his word could be law manifest - many a man of power, were wondering about their status and position. Soon enough, the delegation stopped infront of the Royal Palace, now the Parliament of the Kingdom. Flanked by a hundred Azrekan Kingsguards - stepped out Merebelle Light, dressed in a simple yet artistic white-golden dress. That was both simple yet beautiful. In front of the magnificent power waited about 50 Infantry of Line all, decorated and armed, though with no intention of harming anyone. In front of them was Adelius Odrius himself, dressed in the most expensive suit he could possibly wear, a fine dark blue suit with a shirt beneath it. On his left was a man close to the same age as the king, he was wearing a more simple suit to show his modesty. On his right was a older man in his mid fifties wearing a military uniform displaying the many medals he had earned for heroism and skill in combat. Adelius gracefully took the hand of the queen to help her down from the carriage. “You look absolutely beautiful, my lady!” he said and and lightly kissed her hand. “I am glad you could come here, most of the preparations for our marriage have been arranged, you only need to rest and watch.” he said before turning towards the two men before him. “My lady, this is Aldius Hennan, my minister of the interior.” he said and the man bowed before her, though his smile seemed rather… forced. “It is an honor my lady!” he said, yet again, with a forced smile. “And this is Petrus Matthius, former head general of our country and now the Minister of the Army. From what I know, he had served with your father during the war when our armies were united.” he said, presenting the older man. “My lady, it is an honor to finally meet you!” he said with more genuine smile. “Your father was a great man, I was sure to make one of the assassins I caught to feel the pain he felt a hundredfold!” he said. “And now that I look at you, I can see in your eyes the same determination he had in his own.” “Thank you for this welcome,” she replied, courteous and mild mannered as all. “I hope we have a chance to talk, before we proceed with the celebration. As I understand alot has changed here.” Adelius knew what she meant. The monarchy had lost almost all of it’s power to the republicans, yet he forced a smile, but before he could say anything, Aldius Hennan spoke. “And for the best might I add! The previous Azrekan monarch dragged us into a war in which we lost most of our army alongside with theirs” The general flushed with anger but chose not to insult the man in front of the viscountess and simply nodded, a tad angered to say the least. “But we haven’t come here to discuss politics outside, have we?” Adelius spoke. “Let’s head inside and discuss our politics inside where we will have food and wine aplenty!” he offered, hoping the viscountess would not become too angered. “I would love to,” replied Merebelle, dancing around that insult. “Although, many known - that anybody is vunerable to an assassins blade Mr. Hennan. Victories and defeats have happened throughout history.” She accepted Adelius’ hand at that - letting him lead her inside, where they could discuss politics behind closed doors - where royal decour wouldn’t be much in the way. The gardens of the palace were exquisitely decorated with some hedges trimmed to look like past heroes of both Dallin and Azreka among which she could see that a hedge was trimmed in her own father’s likeness. However, before long the group was lead inside the large building, which despite now being decorated for the wedding, was almost devoid of people with only a few servants around and some higher ranked officials. At the end of the room were two thrones, one belonging to Adelius himself and one in which he hoped that Merebelle would sit. However, they did not stop there, Adelius led her and the two men in another room, a large lounge, already with two other people inside waiting for them. The lounge itself had a large fireplace on one side of the room. There were quite a few armchairs in the room and a large couch made of the finest satin. Adelius led her towards the couch itself and seated her next to him. “Now… we will have to discuss what we dislike most.” Adelius said with a sigh. “My lady, I trust you had some propositions?” he asked her. “Of course. Say Mr. Hennan - how does this governance of yours work? Do you have parties? Or groups?” asked Merebelle, asking rather calmly from the man who had by all rights, insulted her father. “Not really, my lady, we have 100 people, most of them nobles and governors from the country gather here and we simply vote on what we should do. Much better than having one person make a decision which will affect the lives of millions, am I correct?” “Really? I thought, your republican and liberal policies stood for equality and freedom?” replied Merebelle. “It does, my lady!” he said smiling proudly. “The people have the freedom to elect who they want as their heads!” he answered. “And if the people don’t like who is leading, then they are always free to vote to take the one they don’t like down!” “Oh? Then I presume, that are a few farmers among your elected? Peasantry from the countryside? Or a merchant or two?” asked Merebelle, letting Hennan, step into his first trap. “And how does this removal work? Do they have to wait five years, before the next ‘election’ or can they just come to Parliament and take him away?” “In local councils, yes there are merchants and farmers, but not in this one. If they want to bring something before us, they send a representative and we’ll discuss the issue. The removal is more of an emergency move in case a certain minister is too tyrannical, really.” he said before asking himself a question. “But how are farmers and merchants represented in your nation, viscountess?” “Through the local courts. Starting from the county, then city, and moving up to the royal court. If anything is needed - a peasant can reach even my ears,” she spoke. “But a question - wouldn’t removing a tyrant be hard? Especially, if the same people to remove them are in the tyrants pocket? How can a system function like that - if the likelihood of corruption might be the entire electorate? You can’t do much, if the electorate says ‘no’ to removing a minister - the people hate.” “But it isn’t up to the electorate, it is up to the people, if they decide that they’ve had enough, then there’s little the ministers or the governors can do.” he said smiling deviously. “And how would it work if a monarch were to be a tyrant, hmm? What would the people be able to against that other than launching a full blown revolt?” “If you know your history - then you should know, that such rulers haven’t been in power long. Since even a monarch, is dependant on some form of restraint. Be it via the aristocracy, military or other nobility,” she spoke - getting ready to step on his weak point of liberalism. “Who does the electorate, hold respect to? Who keeps it in line? We have seen from Civitas, how much ‘the people’ are in charge - when you have a charismatic individual and enough followers to spread such an idealism.” “In those cases, then a majority of people choose to follow that man, and those that do not like it are in minority. I never said this system is perfect, my lady, but it has worked for us, my lady, we have no unrest in our lands!” it seemed that Hennan was starting to get a bit annoyed. However, before a full blown argument would erupt, Adelius intervened. “My lady, please, we have not come here to have arguments about which form of government is better, we have come here to discuss how our two realms can come closer together, am I correct?” he asked, hoping she would not push the matter further. “For now - you said it yourself now system is perfect. You have just gotten lucky. And I do not say this to demean you, just to get an understanding of you. Your government is based on an ideal - and like in older times with religion, it takes only one person with enough charisma to topple it. The reason why most fear or hate your governance is because - the Great War showed us a very bad side of your belief. What did you expect would happen, if Civitas arrived here? Cheer? He would have torn it down and built it upon his own image. Power always finds a place to rest its head. Most kingdoms believe that you are upstarts - most of us, we have had only one role in our life. To lead. It is why we were born and groomed to be. You lack the history of Gilbadia, where such a system has been in place for centuries - and the King has still power. You are basing it off, the system of Civitas - which caused so much death. Your way of leading is ‘safer’ but it’s also more divided - if Azrekan requires aid - how soon would you be able to get going? A month? Two? Six?” “With a monarchy, it’s basically it - the monarch decides and he pays the price, right or wrong. If your choice makes the people suffer - then what? Most kingdoms here fear - that a ‘idealistic’ government is replaced by something worse. You shouldn’t replace old and tested traditions, with the shiny and untested ideal - not everything that shines is gold, Mr Hennan.” The man was left speechless, unable to cope with just what she said. However, another older and more experienced man intervened, Ordian Karmill. “My lady, I would love to answer that and I will when there will be more time, but now I will only say, each system has it’s perks and it’s benefits, but none are perfect, there will always be problems that system will have. But now, please, I believe you have come here to renew our alliance and marry our good king here, not to debate political systems.” “I know. Basically, with the war and all - my country has agreed to holding more open border trade - to increase trade. But also, they want to establish a more wider military alliance as well - more defensive. Although, they have been having doubts - if the current government can hold up to these promises.” “We will uphold all these my lady, we have been allies for centuries, just beacuse our government changed, won’t mean we won’t come to Azreka’s aid. The people of Dallin have died for Azreka in the past and viceversa, we will always uphold our alliances.” “Good to hear, we can go to the signing of papers later,” she spoke, hearing the wedding bells start to ring in the Palace. “Well gentlemen. Time to make history, I guess.” [hr] - [b]Action 1[/b]: Trade Agreement with [b]Dallin[/b] (open borders) - [b]Action 2[/b]: Build Road with [b]Dallin[/b] (Livonia to Ordomil) -[b] Action 3[/b]: Trade Agreement with [b]Gilbradia[/b] (via sea) [@Polybius] - [b]Naval Mission[/b]: Merchant Escort - [[b]Demobilization[/b]] - [Mobilization] - [b]Research Priorities[/b]: Military (High)