As the sun went down Dax was out spraying some walls. He knew what tonight was but he wanted to get in some work before he left. As he finished up his insignia and climbed up the other wall to start the true art work he noticed something from the corner of his eye. He saw someone hopping from building to building to go somwhere [color=ed1c24]"must be another recruit or something"[/color] Dax said with a grin. He wondered how many other than him were truly invited. There was no number on the invite just a location, so he really didn't know much. Dax finished his artwork and climbed to the top of the building. [i]I got to get there fast[/i]he thought to himself. Dax took a large step back and ran as fast as his shoes would take him to the end of the building. Using a hover pulse he leaped from the building. Using this he went from one place to the next continuously as he searched for the right building. Soon he came across a small running down area. There was a door with a freshly painted rat pack logo. [color=ed1c24]"this mush be the place"[/color] he said aloud to himself as he hopped off the roof top and softly hit the ground. Dax made sure his face mask was still secure as he pulled up his Hood and turned the Handle to enter the door.