[hider=Fujinmota Haijime] Appearance.[hider] [img]http://65.media.tumblr.com/8971b1b1dda29289ae01437f575fb5ec/tumblr_oc41qmYvXZ1vdzd5do1_540.png[/img] [/hider] The main difference between the image and Haijime is that his lungs are so large his [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thoracic_cavity]thoracic cavities[/url] extend outwards and are visible though still covered by skin. Name: Fujinmota Haijime (Fujimota Hajime combined with the name of the god of wind Fujin and the word for lung hai to create a pun that Kohei Horikoshi might use) Gender: Male Age: 13 Personality: Haijime's main reason for becoming a hero is to show that people shouldn't be judged by the actions of their parents. That said he has a good bond with his own family and isn't embarrassed by his parents' pasts. While not afraid to fight dirty he refuses to break rules of any kind without good reason. There are two kinds of people he absolutely can't stand, those who count on their family connections to make it through life and those whose who ignore any rule that's inconvenient for them. Bio: As two former minor villains Haijime's parents did their best to make sure none of their children ended up making the same mistakes they did. It wasn't easy as their criminal records made it hard to find decent jobs, still they succeeded. Haijime was never very popular at school, another problem caused by his parent's past but he wasn't bullied either simply because he wasn't afraid to fight back if anyone tried to beat him up, though he made sure not to start any fights. Quirk:[u]Respiratio[/u] - Mutant Class Haijime has inherited his father's quirk. Basically his lungs are much larger and more powerful than normal and thanks to his mothers quirk his [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thoracic_wall]thoracic wall[/url] is flexible enough for him to use his lungs to their full potential. That flexibility comes with a downside as wile his thoracic wall isn't easy to break it also offers less protection. So his lungs are basically a large target [/hider]