[hider=Sieghardt Ren] [img]http://pre06.deviantart.net/839f/th/pre/i/2015/114/3/c/strider_hollowfied_form_by_larizsantos-d56ykc9.jpg[/img] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4LUy0gaSYY&index=63&list=PL0vii0fs82YEHGue8tltcAlVmS9C_Tj5a]Rolling in the Deep[/url] [hr] Name: Sieghardt Ren Gender: Male Age: 15 Personality: His personality is a mixture of both his parents, ironically his mother was always a hot head and would always do what was best even if it lead to her getting in trouble, his father was more like the seven deadly sin sloth. He took things as they came and walked with it, figuring it out as he went along with life. He acts mostly like his father, going with the situation that presents itself and just walking with it figuring it out as he went along. However should something be upsetting to him, or something he doesn't approve of one little bit then hes quick to switch into a hot head like his mother, and start running laps around the situation. His parents however both agreed that he had it best, he knew when to stay his hand and when to take charge. When to relax and when to get a job done. They considered it the perfect personality someone should have. Despite what his quirk makes him look like, hes a rather nice person. Only having freak outs when things come to push, even though most tend to avoid him once they figure out what his quirk is, he doesn't let it bother him. Although this does mean most of his friends are also trouble makers of the sorts, yet they were young they would grow out of the phase he would only hope that is. Although its pretty funny to him that all of his friends parents thank him for being their child's only nice friend. Although if they knew what his humor was like, they might reconsider that thought, as he has the type of humor that most parents wouldn't really condone of. Hes a mega gamer nerd however and loves the virtual beauties to death. Something both is parents don't really like since he spends a lot of time playing them, and not hanging out with any of his friends. Most of them also don't play video games as well so they sometimes call him a nerd for playing them so much instead of sports. He however just isn't a huge sports fan, the most physical activity he does is the mixed martial arts his parents signed him up for, even then it was for self defense as they feared he would get picked on a lot. Yet despite being a gamer nerd or just not very active in general, he does take after his both his parents in one way. Thats to know whats right and whats wrong, and that justice should always be upheld even if the opposite seems to be the easiest choice. If he has a flaw its that he tends to get a bit egotistical at times, mostly when he knows hes better at something. He has a habit of rubbing it in. Which sometimes comes back to bite him in the ass. Bio: Having parents with quirks was destined to give him one unless he was some unlucky kid. Yet how he came to be was a bit ironic, his father was a detective who was called the Juggernaut, figured out how to catch petty criminals. Like his mom for example, who was know as the Burning Robber. She robbed little convenience stores, never with force yet would melt the back of the registers and steal the money this way. His father was tasked with this and would take his good old time with it. Figuring out her patterns, which days she usually struck on, how bust the stores were at certain intervals so the workers were to busy to focus on her. He planned through this for several months and finally when she struck one store, and touched the register a click would go off and water would pour down on her from above, sealing away her quirks use for the moment. Long enough for his father to arrest the woman. This was how they meet, and that's as far as his parents tell him whenever he asked how they got together. They simply say that she learned her lesson and when released from jail, he helped her get a new start, a better one. This turned to love and here they were. It seemed a bit off to him but it was a story he liked hearing as it sounded really sweet of his father. Also kind of a funny comic trope of a criminal falling for a man of justice. Yet around five his quirk was discovered, and not in a good way as one day they got a call that their son had overheated greatly and was brought to the hospital. After he recovered he said that this black burning substance grew on him and he couldn't get it off, after a while he just collapsed and woke up here. His parents sighed in relief at this as their son's quirk finally showed, and it meant training for him now. Mostly to get him to figure out how to use it and put it away. After about five years went by he grew to control his quirk to a suitable point that he wouldn't roast himself or others alive with it. With multiple Mixed Martial Arts training as well due to his own parents worry of being bullied for being a bit of a nerd and the fact they might pick on him if they saw was his quirk made him appear like. Yet if they knew what he did with it, they might have signed the other children up for it instead. Whenever someone started to tease him, he would activate the quirk and they would scream so loudly that dogs in the area would start barking from the sudden high pitched noise. he also used it as jokes to describe things to his teachers who were not very pleased with the joke. Whenever they asked him to describe the bullying event, he would use his quirk and say they looked a bit like this. Needless to say he received a few timeouts for this. Then came the time when he was fifteen years old, after school one day he was told to sit down by his parents who were curious as to what he wanted to do later on in life. He first made the joke that falling for a police officer might be nice. Which promptly got him slapped upside the head by his mother who was breathing fire. Yet stated that being like his father and stopping criminals might be pretty nice. So upon hearing this they asked if he would like to go to a school to train him to be a Hero for such matters. He nodded but said he needed one more day to freak out his friends at school with his quirk, which his parents laughed at and agreed to. After he did that he was signed up and ready for his new school. Quirk: Sweet Sin- Transformation Quirk A mutation quirk coming from his parents, a mix of his mother's fire quirk, and his father's hardening quirk. They mixed together giving him his burning devil like armor quirk. It raises his defense and striking power a bit, and has an added bonus that when making a strike to someone or something, he is capable of burning them. However though due to the mixture of the two the armor goes up to high temperatures inside, this in turn after using it for a while causes him to become slower, his actions becoming more sluggish and pathetic in a way. It also causes him to overheat greatly and can dehydrate him quite quickly as well. His quirk is useful though besides from combat, say he needs to close someones wound on the spot least they bleed out. He can effectively cauterize the wound by touching it, however its also works against him as well since his armor is always hot and therefore trying to move him out of the way will get you burned. And trying to cool him down with water when his armor is activated only causes him pain as it feels like he is being disintegrated slowly. Fire is also an iffy subject too. While it doesn't seemingly effect him it does, it raises the armor temperature more quickly than normal causing him to burn out faster. His own appearance seems to stay the same for the most part, only notable difference is his clearly different eye color, and his body temperature is slightly higher than normal, not enough to cause any discomfort if you were to touch him. Although it does make him drink more water than most people as well. [/hider]