[centre][u][h2]Kingdom of Aontas[/h2][/u][/centre] [centre][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/ef/Nordic_Battlegroup_vapen.svg/1000px-Nordic_Battlegroup_vapen.svg.png[/img][/centre] [centre][u][h2][i]White Lion Post[/i][/h2][/u][/centre] [centre][h3][i]Norstran Leaders Convene in Kienne, Discuss Infrastructure Cooperation[/i][/h3][/centre] The Foreign Ministers of Svea, Naarden and Marnland arrived in Kienne today, travelling by sea to be greeted in the city's docks by a formal delegation of the Royal Aontan Navy. The representatives of the eastern nations of Norstra are meeting to discuss infrastructure in the region with their counterpart in the Foreign Ministry of Aontas, Aleksander Stenseth, as well as Jørn Norgard of the Interior Ministry. Data released from the Interior Ministries of all four countries involved in the discussions has concluded that both the quality and distribution of infrastructure in the Norstran region has been declining over the past fifteen years. Minister Stenseth attributes much of the issue to neglect over the course of the Great War. "Political strife, both foreign and domestic, always results in negative consequences for ordinary people. Furthermore, the republican administration active in Aontas over the course of most of the war was extremely hesitant towards expanding trade relations with the rest of Norstra, limiting their incentive to move forward on this issue. The current administration has clearly demonstrated a much greater willingness to both improve relations with our nation's neighbours, and therefore improve northern infrastructure." Asked about a timetable for these improvements, Minister Stenseth said, "We can all expect major progress in the months and years ahead." Interior Minister Jørn Norgard made his initial statements at the conference on the need for increased investment from all relevant parties. Infrastructural deficits in Norstra cannot disappear from the actions of any one kingdom alone, he commented. The Minister also made note of the especially severe winter plaguing Norstra, ehe effect it is having on settlements in the north, and how the poor conditions accentuate the Aontan government's push for pan-Norstran cooperation. "It is the men and women living in northern communities that suffer the worst because of our present lack of coordination," he said. "I am hopeful that we can make progress in these talks and move forward. Kienne is willing to finance some of the first steps, with the consent and participation of our neighbours, but it is essential that the actions we already have slated are just that: first steps. A strong Norstra is not a Norstra that is defended and improved upon only by Aontas. A strong Norstra must be a Norstra wherein all nations and all peoples work hard to improve their own affairs, to the mutual benefit of their neighbours and their neighbours' own efforts". Initial investments in roads and bridges on the part of Aontas are expected to begin construction in the early spring, after weather conditions improve. The first of these initiatives, a major roadway in northern Aontas open to both free commerce and defence, is planned to be constructed between the major naval thoroughfare of Torrik and the isolated eastern city of Austurby, near the Marnish border. Potential new international roads, uniting the infrastructure networks of Aontas with those of Svea, Naarden and Marnland, are in the preliminary planning stages. Progress on those plans is expected to be made as talks in Kienne move foreward. [hr] [b]Action 1:[/b] Increase Relations with Kingdom of Marnland. [+3] [b]Action 2:[/b] Increase Relations with Kingdom of Svea. [+3] [b]Action 3:[/b] Increase Relations with Kingdom of Naarden. [+3] [[b]Demobilization[/b]] - [Mobilization] [u][b]Naval Ship Assignment[/b][/u] [i]Royal Fleet of Aontas;[/i] 1 First Rate, 5 Second Rates, 4 Sloops, 8 Frigates. [Home Port Kienne (North Eastern Sea)] [i]Ducal Fleet of Folamisar;[/i] 1 First Rate, 6 Second Rates, 5 Sloops, 7 Frigates. [Home Port Kardal (North Eastern Sea)] [u][b]Research Priorities[/b][/u] Army — Low Navy — Low Industry — Normal [-2 Economic Rating/Year] Social Thought — High [-3 Economic Rating/Year] Economics — Normal [-2 Economic Rating/Year]