[b]NAME:[/b] Vin Holga-Therrin [b]ABSTRACT: [/b] 'To right all wrongs with blood and gunpowder' [b]AGE:[/b] 29 [b]APPEARANCE: [/b]Vin has fairly average height, with a strong build, scars dot his skin from wounds in his years as a mercenary, and his back still holds the carvings of so many whippings. His hair is a dark brown and kept short, his left eye is hazel, his other eye, usually hidden by an eye patch that was taken away alongside his possessions when he was taken to the stone. it's skin is deformed by burn marks and around it is a pitch black symbol burned into it of a crescent moon surrounding part of it, with spikes crossing through it pointing inwards. [b]BIO:[/b] It's quite ironic how little Vin actually remembers of his own parents, Leonard Holga and Monique Therrin, they were simple folk, a lumberjack who spent most of his time away and a housekeeper, working themselves to the bone to provide for him and his two sisters. doing what was necessary to keep bread at the table, but still, they always found a way to keep themselves smiling. from the family meals on days when Leonard wasn't out on work expeditions, to the shenanigans they did lead by Helena, his older sister, with other kids from the slums they lived in. Life wasn't easy, but it was worth living. Sadly, it seems fate had decided Vin's life was still to good. And so, Leonard sunk into debt with some very dangerous people. He never did find out how his dad lost that much money.. The debt collectors sent by local mobsters came, and not even all of their possessions could maintain the cost. but they had a job to keep, and they wouldn't leave without their worth. Vin still remembers their faces so vividly. The one that dragged him away, as he kicked and screamed begging to be left with his parents, that man was smiling, a disgusting crooked smile. Vin could hear the crying, pleading, and his father trying in vain to fight, but the last thing he remembers was the other collector kicking his father away, and slamming the door shut behind them. It wasn't long before they came to take him away from the cell he was being kept in, someone had bid, and Vin had been sold like livestock. dragged through roads and paths underneath the city, through sewers, he was eventually brought up and thrown onto the back of a carriage alongside five others like him, chained to each other and to the floor. the only sounds he heard that trip where hooves, wheels and wails. Their expressions were horrifying, their eyes empty, as if they had been reduced to shells, their souls curled somewhere within, crying. they were broken. Seven years it took, it's surprising he didn't snap during those years. daily whippings at the slightest sight of disobedience. inhumane conditions and shoddy housings, truly, they were nothing but bulls being used to power their machines, livestock to be kept only surviving, nothing more then enough to get the job done. Many times He had wished for death, but humans where expensive, and his owner had enough money to keep all his slaves alive. Vin wasn't free even within his dreams, every memory he cherished, his parents and friends, his home, his mothers cooking, freedom. they were all dangled in front of him upon his dreams, only to be engulfed by the fog, a dark grey mist he learned to hate with the years. washing them away, leaving him alone, stranded on an endless ocean, looking down at moon reflected upon those crystalline waters. It was so Beautiful.. Eventually, the dreams all ended the same way, taken by something deep within, he jumped into that clear ocean. letting himself sink and be taken, embracing it happily, feeling his lungs fill up with cold, only to be dragged away from death. forced to live another day. In the seventh year, luck seemed to have gotten rid of whatever grudge it had towards Vin. a fire started in one of the fields, spreading rapidly, amidst the chaos, him and a few other slaves managed to escape, running into the woods nearby. two of the six that escaped where caught and executed, but the other four managed to make their ways. Vin doesn't actually know what happened to the others afterwards, sometimes he wonders if they're okay. In the next two years, Vin slowly got used to society again, he found his way to a town, and ended up a beggar, to unstable for a job, his dreams were still haunted. but with time the trauma of his past became suppressible as the realization that he was finally free caught up to him. he got a job at a smith, and made a living with it, spending the next three months searching for clues as to his relatives whereabouts. the news finally came from a town hall worker. apparently his father was found murdered, not long after the slaves escaped, as well as the relatives of the others, and his mother and sister missing. a letter was left in the scene. It stated quite simply, that as payment for 'lost goods' as Vin had ran, his relatives were to be sold in his place, his father most likely died trying to save them.. His dreams where haunted once more. Vin could no longer allow himself to do nothing, something ignited within him. at first, he wanted nothing but to resume some form of normal life, to reunite with family, to make due the lost years. that had been taken away from him, just like all this time of his life. He could not make amend those wrongs anymore, so there was nothing left but revenge. He was taken by a mercenary's life, finding jobs wherever he could, from guarding to looting, he trained with a pistol, as the urge for vengeance slowly grew within him, taking more and more of his time. He was 26 when he finally snapped, he was obsessed at this point, he was at his limit. and desperate, he called out for help. He got his answer. His dream that night was different. There was no good part, no smell of stew and he did not hear his sisters voice. All he felt was pain, memories of his years in slavery, of his time begging, the sense of despair and terror as he hid from the guards in the forest. the fog did not come, for it was already here, not to wash away his memories, but to take him. eventually, he felt nothing, and the fog that enveloped him pulled back, slowly sinking into the waters below. Vin looked at he moon, but it was different, a red tint covered it as it tilted in it's crescent form, it was almost like a smile, with two crimson stars as its eyes the smile grew, and in the water he saw faces, he couldn't make them out properly, but he felt rage, a primal burning rage directed towards them. he didn't see them, but he knew who they where. those who had put him in this situation. he jumped, this time, not seeking the embrace of the ocean, but lunging in a bling fury, a single desire resonating within his mind. Vengeance But they faded away, and he began sinking, but this time, he didn't want to die, he couldn't die, not until he could see those faces scream. and so he swam up for the first time, climbing back onto the tiny ship floating upon the water. The smile was no longer in the ocean, it lay in the sky, surrounded by the fog, looking down at him, and Vin could feel it's presence, resting on his knees he looked up, staring at it's eyes. [b]"I can lead you to what you seek"[/b]the voice echoed, waiting for no answer. [b]"Those who shattered your soul, deserve punishment beyond death. i can bring them that"[/b] The fog grew closer, no longer seeming as the moon, the smile was jagged and made of a crimson light. Vin stared, he didn't want to speak, he didn't have to, he could feel the presence gazing into his very soul. [b]"I will bring you power, and all I ask in return, is the souls of those that taint this world"[/b] It grew ever closer [b]"Sacrifice them to me, and i will make sure they suffer in eternity. is that not what you wish for, to right those wrongs?" [/b] the mass of thick smoke was almost touching Vin now, and he was smiling, a jagged smile. [b]"Then Let us bring vengeance to all". [/b] The glowing mouth of the spirit opened, it's sharp teeth allowing enough space for Vin to see a single bullet, engraved with runes that seemed to bleed, dripping onto the ocean below, engraved onto the side of it was his name. [b]"Do you accept my offer?" [/b] As those words were spoken, he noticed the gun in his hand, something within him was screaming at him not to do whatever this creature's biding was, but his rage spoke to loud. guided by the oppressive presence above him, Vin loaded the bullet onto the weapon, and bringing it to his head, pulled the trigger. a terrifying laugh was the last thing he heard. Vin woke up with a scorching pain on his right eye, clutching it he rushed to the nearest mirror, were he saw, burnt into the skin, pitch black around the eye was an odd symbol, resembling a crescent moon crossed by spikes, it had been completely blinded. Doing mercenary work, It didn't take long until he found out what that eye did, it seemed to have a mind of it's on somewhat, seeing only when a life is in play, but seeing beyond the human eye. almost as if the eye saw it's target as prey, a soul to be sent to the god of vengeance. he could see it from far away, through walls and obstacles, standing out like a sore thumb, glowing. the eye seemed to aim almost as if perfectly targeting it. Vin realized what he'd become. A Hunter. And so he hunted, always looking for info on the whereabouts of his old slaver, eventually, a mission went awry, and the eye wasn't enough to help him. hauled of to the stone, his last thoughts, where the realization, he would never have his vengeance.