The smoke could be seen from the other side of Viridan. Liam got a horrifed look on his face. Dashing forward he pulled a bike out from his bag as he ran and hopped on, accelerating his movement speed. Pikachu used Agility to catch up and jump onto the bike's handlebars. Liam pedaled through town and was halfway to the forest before Jenny came ridding up on her motorbike. They both came to a halt right before the forest. "[i]Sherlock![/i]" Liam called out in his mind. "[i]I need you to come to me with Hydro, I need him to be ready for Mega Evolution.[/i]" In a matter of seconds, the shiny Alakazam appeared with a Blastoise in tow. "Hydro! Mega Evolve!" Hydro became enveloped in light and changed form. "Now, spray everything down with Hydro Pump!" Jenny called on a Squirtle to assist with its Water Gun.