I had a quite a lovely experience with my inner circle of RP'ers. Most of my favorable experiences came from MSN/Windows Messenger Chat RP. I liked more of the rapid posting with one or two paragraphs. We do a lot of silly RPs and some duel RPs. It was quite nice and some were complete RPs, though short. My prouder moments were actually completing RP topics on forums. It's satisfying to complete a chapter of your characters and embark on another journey or struggle. There are some RPs where I had to think a little more. I do enjoy thinking outside the box. Though, I must say that I'm not the smartest RP'er in the bunch when it comes to that. I do always try to get more of an understanding of concepts and such. I always get help and often get help to think in a certain way and get an answer. But, I struggle quite a bit. I have a love / hate relationship with frustration. Hehe. Another thing I'm proud of is using big vocabulary words. I try to look up word-of-the-day words on dictionary to help me out, to help me look somewhat smart. I'm not a reader. I don't read many books, which I know hinders my ability to write and articulate well. I like to try to bring words to life. Oh. I do take simple pleasures in turning intro topics into short RPs. Hehe.