[@dwjonez] Few little things to note. These are just comments to point out things that need fleshing out. Appearance: Add clothes. It's what people see when they look at you, and we don't want to see a naked old man! Add in some detail as well. Is he heavy? Does he have a paunch, or is his thinner? Has his nose been broken? Does he have that slight squint old men sometimes get? Also, as it's very much what we can see, note the weapons we see. Don't just put those under Equipment. Equipment: A curved blade? What is this? Is it ornate or worn? Is it scimitar? How did he get such a odd weapon? Does he not have a quiver of arrows to go with he bow? How many daggers does he have? Where are they on his person? What type of daggers are they? Is this chain shirt his only armor? Does he have provisions? Money? It's what you have on you to. Personality (Suggestion): He's wise, what about? How intelligent is he? How does his opinion differ? Story: I think you misunderstand. What do you want to your character/ what your character wants to do in the World of Arda (Middle Earth)? Not what you're role will be in the group. Do you want to see the Shire? Are you traveling to Gondor or Rohan? Are you seeking treasure? Biography: This I have some problems with. [quote][i]Kaine was born into a noble bloodline, the son of the late Laine of Arnor.[/i][/quote] Nobility? Sure, but why would you be traveling in Northern Eriador? Butt the bigger problem is the fact that Arnor fell thousands of years ago. To be of Arnor you'd be a Dunedain, and not of nobility. So there's no standing army, no real soldiering work. They are wanderers, rangers. They also travel in groups protecting what remains of them. [@Andreyich] I forgot. Toss in what provisions, money, ect that Oid has on him in equipment.