[@KatherinWinter] [@Pineappletumble] [@olcharlieboi] [@Roseletta] "If you all keep waiting, the monster's gonna find US first." Gene said, getting a tad annoyed. "I vote we walk. I also vote you all follow me, as I'm the only one that seems to be ready to lead you guildies..." He said, the word guildies sounding almost..derogatorily, with how it slides off his tongue. He begins to vanish into the woods, him not stopping for the others, heading inland, with, or without them. "[i].....Hmph.....If it wasn't for the cute one, I'd just leave them all in the dust......but she is cute...so I'll stomach her friends for longer.[/i]" Gene thinks. "[i] Worst comes to worst, I could try..nah....I need to stop thinking bout that. It's not cool...[/i]" Gene shakes his head, grumbling as he walked.