Hey there! I'm Steven! I'm twenty-four years old! I like lots of stuff. Reading and writing is the main thing. I'm currently working my way through A Song of Fire and Ice. I'm a huge wrestling fan (maybe a bit immature for my age, I can't help it). WWE is great, obviously, but I love New Japan Pro Wrestling, Lucha Underground, and Ring of Honor (Columbus local repping!) I love video games. I've been playing Fallout 4, Grand Theft Auto 5, WWE 2k17, Citizens of Earth, and Pokemon Blue. The rest of my time is spent on Netflix and YouTube. Two Best Friends Play, Good Mythical Morning, and Luke Cage have been my most recent binge watches. I was a member here a long, long time ago. I was probably eighteen at the time, so six years ago? I figured since I have a little more free time lately this would be fun to get back into. I look forward to meeting lots of you cool people here!