[center][h2]Prelude[/h2][/center] [i]As long as anyone can remember, life has been governed by the unstable flux of arcane energy. Humans have always striven to unlock the hidden potential of the arcane through any means possible, from scientific extrapolation, to innate application through blind talent. It has pushed many to look for potential in areas which most thought to be dangerous, unnatural, or outright horrifying. Despite the many doubts that still linger in the minds of the masses, mages, both traditional and professional, have pushed their boundaries, birthing magic and technology that has shaped the structure of life as we know it. Regardless of the positive influence of their progress however, curiosity and perseverance ultimately acted as a catalyst for conflict and disagreement between factions, both big and small, across the scope of the entire world. Thankfully, due to the combined efforts of the Arcadian nation, and their allies within the super continent of Thorisa, peace has been present for the past 120 years, and shows no real signs of waning any time soon. Despite disagreements between traditionalists and scientific methodists, life has never been better for civilians, and progress continues to flourish in both fields of arcane study. Even so, the tension between factions remains high, giving rise to very strained relations between the capital nations of Thorisa. Even though there's a mutual understanding to keep the peace, and none have been foolish enough to contradict this ideal, very few stable connections between nations exist outside of the Quadra-Power of Arcadia, Hyznia, Illon, and Teknoh. Towns, Cities and small Countries are completely separate from one another, spread unevenly across the continent, and physically divided by large, unclaimed expanses of land. Dangerous creatures, and untapped magics lay scattered across the empty recesses of [b]no-man's-land[/b] for the strong of heart to discover, at their own risk, of course. Very few actually choose to venture outside the borders of civilization, hunting for relics, nodes, and knowledge to further assist in the progression of arcane resources, all for different reasons. Some study independently from the conglomerates in any given city, developing or deconstructing magic in their own way, while others sell what they find to avoid the troubles of prolonged labor. Regardless of the intentions that these treasure hunters harbor, they're all looked upon as filth, and carry a horrible reputation alongside their profession. Thus, they have been labeled as 'Divers' akin to their habit of diving into the dangers that present themselves out in the mysterious wilds of no-man's-land. Although they put their lives at risk for the greater good of progress, there aren't many who respect their sacrifices at all. After all, bravery is idiotic in Thorisa, or at least that's what the governments would like the general populace to believe. Why? Nobody really knows. There's one advantage that Divers have over even the most esteemed mages and scientists of the Arcadian order, though. They're the only ones who have the slightest idea of what's going on in no-man's-land. If Arcadia is the power mediating the largest civilizations across Thorisa, Divers are the power that mediate no-man's-land, effectively turning it into the 'Diver's paradise' for the experienced, and turning the ill-thought title of 'Diver' into a badge of courage to wear with pride. Some think that the Divers have established something of a rogue nation within no-man's-land, but information on their habits is sparse, and nobody is willing to leave the safety of their home nations to look into this theory any further. In that respect, Divers are safe from the eyes of Arcadia, and the nations under their supervision. Now the world of Thorisa is waiting for you, fellow Divers. Are you ready to traverse no-man's-land for fame, fortune, and glory beyond your recognition- among your fellow Divers, anyways, haha![/i] [hr] [center][h1]The Three Philosophies of Energy[/h1][/center] [hider][center][h2][color=00aeef]The Philosophy of Arcane[/color][/h2][/center] Arcane energy is clearly abundant in Thorisa, and it's theorized to exist at every corner of the universe as the glue that binds the very fabric of existence together. Although different elemental compounds produce arcane energy at different rates and with different affinities, arcane energy is created indefinitely at the core of every atom in the universe. That being said, all matter and energy in the universe consists of one form of arcane energy or another, which ultimately ties the study of magic into the practical sciences that can be observed with relative ease. Arcane energy naturally crystallizes to form new atoms as well, and can be forced to do so with diminishing returns of different significance, making it possible to replicate every element known to mankind with varying degrees of difficulty. Taking this into account, many have inferred that the creation and destruction of the universe is a constant cycle, with arcane energy being the core element that exacerbates this progress. Furthermore, it can be assumed the universe will continue to expand for eternity, since Arcane energy is produced by all atoms throughout their entire lifetime. Arcane energy also plays a part sustaining human life, as humans are merely a conglomeration of matter and energy. All humans have an arcane network that allows them to interact with the energy around them. By applying their own energy to their environment, humans are able to use magic, which varies tremendously in power and capability. There are no foreseeable limits to this ability, but some are more gifted than others, and many are completely incapable of using magic at all. However, the arcane network itself acts like a muscle in the body, and can sustain a larger stream of power if it is used often enough. Some of the most powerful mages have a reserve nearly 100x that of a normal human being. Despite the extensive modern understanding of the body's arcane network, it is still the least understood of all arcane aspects, and there are many things that cannot be explained through magical science alone. Lastly, arcane energy can be used to power a myriad of technological machines. Once might assume that mechanics use arcane energy to produce electricity, but the energy loss in this conversion is far too substantial, so scientists have developed a way to directly harness the arcane with a complex Arcanite interface. This makes modern technology very energy-efficient, but there is still quite a demand for usable arcane energy, since the arcane node of each city has a limited output, despite their infinite potential. The most obvious use for this technological breakthrough is for housing amenities, transport vehicles, Projectile/Melee Weapons, and all sorts of interesting contraptions. Computers, phones, and other electronic devices like them do not exist in the world, and nobody has come close to creating anything resembling these complex mechanical wonders as of yet. Communication through magic is far more common than through the use of letters or animals, despite being a rare talent in and of itself. The limits of arcane energy are endless, and there are mages discovering new ways to apply their talents every day. Likewise, there are arcane scientists learning more about how arcane energy functions. What can you do with this endless array of options? [center][h2][color=gold]The Philosophy of Ki[/color][/h2][/center] What the Arcane cannot explain about the body, is instead extrapolated upon through faith. Ki is known worldwide as the energy that sustains living creatures, giving them a unique presence that stands out beyond that of the arcane. It is believed that Ki shapes who a person is, from their personality to their capabilities and limitations. It is a presence that exists at each person's core. That being said, the studies of Ki are based solely on faith, and have absolutely no place in modern science whatsoever. In fact, despite all of the answers that Ki offers, it is frowned upon and sometimes outright belittled by arcane scientists and mages throughout Thorisa. Ki is thought to affect the body's physical attributed directly, improving one's strength, speed, healing factor, and thinking power despite the physical limitations that should not allow such feats. There are many who claim to harness Ki through rigorous training, who are capable of performing incredible feats, such as lifting objects hundreds of times their own size, or running faster than even the most dexterous land vehicle. In rare occasions, it is said that one can actually extend their Ki beyond their body's shell, creating energy waves that can outright destroy matter and external energy with otherworldly ratios. Scientists who acknowledge Ki, although very few in number, theorize that its power is 100x more condensed than that of the most refined arcane energy. Ki cannot exist outside the body for long, however. This, paired with the doubts in the scientific community, has prevented any attempts to harness Ki for practical use. Many know better than the prudes in the scientific community, though. Ki is very real, and it rests within us all. But unlike arcane energy, it is limited by an individual's determination and resolve, rather than their skill and dedication. Where can your faith bring you? [center][h2][color=Purple]The Philosophy of Void[/color][/h2][/center] The void is an enigma, and even less evident than Ki. Put simply though, it is the lack of space, time, or energy. It is the impossibility that exists when nothing exists. Technically speaking, it is the counter thesis to both Ki, and arcane energy, ergo reality itself. In theory, if Void was literal, it would devour all it could, until it expended itself. Of course, this could bring about the end of the universe, but only if there was a steady flow of void into an otherwise stable dimension of space and time. It could eat away at the arcane with ease, and would be attracted to the most powerful concentrations of energy, namely Ki, like a moth to a flame. Theories on void energy are sparse, and based on the ramblings of insane mages who have claimed resonance with the [i]void between worlds[/i] itself. Although it is not acknowledged as a reality in the scientific world, the studies supporting it are remarkably well structured. Void energy Theory, or [i]VET[/i], is a fearsome study indeed.[/hider] [hr] Welcome to Scattered Shades, a high fantasy RP that bases itself in a very well established universe that begs to be prodded at violently! Scattered shades will be a epic about stress between nations, unrest in the magical sciences, and corruption that acts as a catalyst in more ways than one. The world itself, Thorisa, is strewn with dangerous creatures and individuals who seek to spread ruin and tear magic from the earth, fueled by relentless greet. As mentioned, this universe is very well established, but I'm looking to create a story for many to enjoy and influence in any way they'd like! I am however, looking for dedicated individuals that will contribute not only to the story, but share any concerns or suggestions they have with me directly. I will also be looking for a Co-GM if this picks up at any point. For now, I am looking for interested individuals. The RP itself will be written at a high-casual to low-advanced level, but all levels of writing are welcome. I'm not a stickler for skill or experience, I just want everyone involved to have fun. Post below if you have any interest or questions. Thank you.