[quote] I'm sure you realise that Angelika has pretty much all the other Cadians backing her up? They'd never let some fanatic lay his hands on one of their own without some sort of retribution. Also, I think you overestimate just how much the Imperial Church really cares about one member of their militia, his life probably worth less than that of a fully trained Guardsman/woman in spite of his fiery devotion and prowess with his chosen weapon.[/quote] Oh yeah but I got my bros to back me up. [img]http://i.imgur.com/cD0W6By.png?1[/img] I'm also not hoping for conflict here, got enough as is. It's basically just a "fuck off" move. And yeah, the church does not care that much as a whole but individual priests and such would care about them. [quote]his life probably worth less than that of a fully trained Guardsman/woman in spite of his fiery devotion and prowess with his chosen weapon.[/quote] fite me m8 ur asking to square up right there