[center]Minor collaboration between myself and [@RomanAria] solely because both are short enough that they may as well fit into one post.[/center] Edwin stood motionless and dumbstruck for what felt like an age, staring at the man before him in shock. What the devil? Had Prince Niklas really said that or had his ears deceived him? He glanced to the faces of his betrothed and of Mei and their expressions confirmed to him that he had not misheard. He blinked a few times as he tried to clear his head and decide upon a course or action; Then he crossed one leg in front of the other and returned an exaggerated bow. "Well met, Prince Hooligan. I am King Rich Twit the seventeenth, lord of the inane and protector of the absurd. To what do I owe the pleasure of your company and if I may, I would like some information regarding the nature and the source of the medication you are taking." Edwin said in an exaggerated RP accent before righting himself again with a small grin. "I am elated to make your acquaintance, Prince Niklas, Princess Mei; may the light of lights illuminate your path. I am indeed Edwin, King of Anatolia and Prince of Britannia. Is there something you require of me or my betrothed or are you here merely to talk? We would be glad of your company." Liv felt a rush of frustration as Edwin looked away from her, past and somewhat above her - was she really already boring him so awfully that he had to glance around the room? Then she noticed he'd gone slack-jawed and was staring at something with confusion on his face. The girl turned, coming face-to-face (or rather, face to ribcage!) with Niklas Konig and Mai Mei. She frowned for a second and replayed the last few seconds in her mind.... and then wondered if she was hallucinating. But no, judging by the looks on everyone's faces... And of course, then Edwin replied with an equally outlandish declaration. Liv turned to look at Mai with a horrified and confused expression, biting her lower lip uncertainly. She did draw some small amount of comfort from the equally-horrified look on Mai's face, but still... She glanced back at Edwin as he righted himself and resumed his proper tone of speaking. It was only at that moment that the sheer absurdity of the situation hit her and she let out a small giggle, which she quickly stifled by covering her mouth with one hand. The small girl turned back to Mai and Niklas, a soft grin still on her face, and curtsied to them. "[i]Ave,[/i] Prince Niklas, Princess Mai. Quid famili--" she blushed and cut herself off, quickly backtracking her words. "--To what do we owe the pleasure of your company?"