Thaddeus watched the house nervously, but nothing much was happening. Silence was normally a good thing but in light of this situation, it was the silence that was bothering him. There was no more movement after the woman was dragged back inside, no effort was made to clean up the blood either. Were the perpetrators confident that they wouldn't be caught? But before that, why was Thaddeus still here? He didn't know the answer for certain himself, as he usually avoided trouble when he could. Perhaps it had to do with the dream he had while he was sleeping last night, where he saw someone fairly similar to the woman who was just dragged into the house. He couldn't remember the details but he was sure he saw a winged descendant in his dream. He was quite sure that it was a different one, however. Quite frankly, part of him wanted to walk away in the opposite direction. But part of him was also curious as to why the winged woman was assaulted and what his dream was about. Maybe there was a connection, maybe not. But he didn't have much information. Thaddeus began scanning the area around him. There were a lot of dilapidated-looking wooden buildings around but some seemed solid. Thaddeus glanced back into the house in time to see a new descendant enter. Looking around to check if no one was looking he carefully made his way over the street and disappeared into the gaps between some of the houses. The incident house wasn't the tallest house in the street, fortunately. Thaddeus picked a sturdy looking house and stuck his right hand into the gaps in the wood, using it to haul his body up so he could reach another handhold. What Thaddeus wanted to do was survey the situation, but he didn't want to go inside the house. Who knew what was in there? That's what Thaddeus needed to find out. He carefully emerged on the roof of a house nearby to the incident house. He stood shakily up on the sloped surface and tried looking into the window of the dilapidated building. As he did, however, he began hearing something odd. He tried to focus his ears on the sound, carefully navigating the rooftops to get to it. He eventually came to the source of the music that he'd heard before it abruptly stopped. Thaddeus stopped too and quietly nudged an arrow out of the quiver on his back. He could barely hear talking and he decided that he would listen to the conversation.