So work in progress, yada~yada, but I'm close. Let me know what you think. [hider=Julie Rosewater][color=gray][center][url=][img][/img][/url] [img][/img][/center] [h3][color=rosybrown]STUDENT IDENTIFICATION[/color][/h3] [color=rosybrown]Name:[/color] [indent]Julie Rosewater[/indent] [color=rosybrown]Gender:[/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=rosybrown]Age:[/color] [indent]17[/indent] [color=rosybrown]Year:[/color] [indent]6th[/indent] [color=rosybrown]Blood:[/color] [indent]Pureblood[/indent] [hr][hr][h3][color=rosybrown]PRESENCE[/color][/h3] [indent]this is where you describe their appearance. good paragraph chunk or two. some good starting points are how they hold themselves, how much care they put in their appearance, etc. etc.[/indent] [hr][hr][h3][color=rosybrown]ACADEMICS[/color][/h3] [color=rosybrown]House:[/color] [indent]Tituba[/indent] [color=rosybrown]Electives:[/color] [indent]Muggle Studies, Apparition, Divination[/indent] [color=rosybrown]Best Class:[/color] [indent]Herbology[/indent] [color=rosybrown]Worst Class:[/color] [indent]History of Magic[/indent] [color=rosybrown]Clubs:[/color] [indent]Quidditch Chaser (Captain), Dueling Club[/indent] [hr][hr][h3][color=rosybrown]WITCHCRAFT AND WIZARDRY[/color][/h3] [color=rosybrown]Wand:[/color] [indent]Flexible Redwood at 9" with a Pheonix Feather core[/indent] [color=rosybrown]Patronus:[/color] [indent]Hummingbird[/indent] [color=rosybrown]Boggart:[/color] [indent]Because of Julie's nature, she fears the thought of her harming someone, especially if they are innocent. Since a werewolf is an uncontrollable condition, the thought is terrifying thus her boggart will most likely be a werewolf. [/indent] [color=rosybrown]Pet:[/color] [indent]Arnie [img][/img] Arnie is of the Bloodhoud breed of dogs and he was just a small pup when Julie's older sister was the first Rosewater child to attend Salem. Julie's parents bought Arnie to keep their child company for their first experiences at school, that way they at least know they'll have a friend with them. As time would pass, Arnie would be passed down the line as each sibling took their turn starting at Salem until eventually Julie got Arnie and being the youngest, there was no one else to pass him off to, so Julie got stuck with him. Unfortunately the old dog does nothing but sleep and eat these days, but Julie still loves him.[/indent] [hr][hr][h3][color=rosybrown]ESSENCE[/color][/h3] [color=rosybrown]Personality:[/color] [indent]Most people would probably sum Julie's personality up in one word: eccentric. She usually ends up being very impressionable with her very 'happy-go-lucky' attitude towards life and her absolute love of other people. Her hope is that most people will be delighted to have ever met her, but some might just consider her to be a bit too much and a perhaps might come off as very obnoxious if you aren't prepared to handle her. She is pretty stout to criticism though, and considerably tough emotionally as she usually rides that 'high' in life. Having a lot of energy can be good, though. She'll always wake up with a chip on her shoulder and she is definitely the type of person that is absolutely willing to set out and do anything she sets her mind to, regardless of the consequence. There is a line she won't cross, though, and you might have expected that she absolutely couldn't live with herself if she willing harmed someone else in anyway. In fact, she can find it quite difficult to even protect herself. Her dueling record is atrocious because of it, but that's why she is currently enrolled in the club. Although she is very active and sociable, people closer to her note that she is almost too laid back about things. In fact, she is rather lazy with responsibility and very forgetful with so much to keep track of.[/indent] [color=rosybrown][b]R O M A N T I C I N T E R E S T S:[/b][/color] [indent]what kind of people is your character attracted to? What kind of people have they dated/crushed on before? What are they looking for in a significant other? Are they looking for a relationship or a fling?[/indent] [color=rosybrown]Likes:[/color] [indent]Travel, People, Friends, Outdoors, Surprises, Challenging herself, and Thrills[/indent] [color=rosybrown]Dislikes:[/color] [indent]Bullies, She avoid eating meat but isn't entirely a vegetarian, Bigotry[/indent] [color=rosybrown]Fears:[/color] [indent]Harming people, losing any of her family, Werewolves as contracting an incurable lycanthropy is pretty scary[/indent] [color=rosybrown]Biography:[/color] [indent]The Rosewater Clan has a pretty interesting history especially considering they were always a bit interesting themselves. They were originally based in Ireland, like most other wizarding families. However they migrated to the United States shortly after the States claimed independence, excited to see, firsthand, the stories of Salem and the New World. Their settlement in the States was only short-lived as the promise of new land peaked their interest. California was calling their name and the Rosewaters, and a few other adventurous clans, were happy to answer that call. Little did they know at the time, but California would be perfect for them as they lived on the fringes of society. There they would grow and develop just like the state, eventually becoming quite comparable to the modern day 'hippie'. Preferring to live 'close to nature' and living in tent camps. The whole experience would probably be very similar to the Quidditch World Cup, although on a much smaller scale. Eventually this little slice of the wizarding community would be called The Arbor and that would be the home of Julie Rosewater. Julie Rosewater would be born just like any other 'hippie' witch or wizard, in their home tent. She would actually be the youngest of her family of six. Being a Pureblooded witch, she would feel right at home with everything magic. Naturally she would be accustomed to spells, wands, so on, but thanks to her older brothers, she became a Qudditch fan and the sixth in the family's friendlies.[/indent][/color][/hider]