I'd like to join if you still have a place... [hider=CS] 1: Name: Amaron 2: Gender, Age & Race: Male, 24, Human from Minas Tirith 3: Appearance & Personality: Amaron is tall and slender, almost frail. He lacks facial hair, and because of his appearance, he was rarely taken seriously by the others. His father judged him too frail to fight, and sent him to work among the women. Amaron did not appreciate this, so he spent most of his life sneaking out to train with his older brothers, who laughed at him at first. This made him even more determined and he trained night and day. He is much stronger than he looks, has some impressive skills with a sword and shield and is the only person in his family who can handle an elvish longbow. He has learnt to use his appearance and agility as an advantage, and it has been several years since any of his brothers could defeat him in combat. Amaron is the third of five children. Their mother died giving birth to his younger brother Gonnor, 14 years ago. Their heartbroken father never remarried, and the boys basically raised themselves. In general, Amaron keeps to himself. Whether he is shy or secretive will remain to be seen, but the fact that he does not make friends easily will soon be obvious. 4: Equipment: His family kicked him out with only the clothes on his back and the short sword he carries hidden on his person. When Faramir found out, he supplied the boy with a horse, a basic leather armour and a longbow with a quiver full of arrows. Amaron is skilled with a knife and has been making his own arrows to replace the ones he cannot retrieve. He is quite creative when it comes to creating arrow tips. 5: History: Born and raised in Minas Tirith, Amaron’s family knew all the stories about Sauron and his armies and made a point of telling them to their children and children’s children. He comes from a long line of soldiers and guards, and his family believes firmly in the city’s role of watchman,. Because of this, Amaron’s father considers training for the defence of Osgiliath and keeping an eye out for activity in Mordor a sacred duty. Amaron spent some time training under Faramir, who has taken a liking to the unlikely soldier. Unfortunately neither this affection nor his skill with weapons and horses could save him the humiliation of being kicked out of the army and the city, forever separated from his home, his army, his family. In a last, desperate attempt to contribute to the safety of Middle Earth, Amaron followed rumours of a band of Orcs tearing through the land. His hunt caused him to cross paths with the others and he has joined the caravan for the time being. [/hider]