[right][b]Cryogenic Vault - CryoTray 125NA[/b][/right] Loretta paced down the line of trays. While many other scientists had little actual work today she had plenty to do, and not just with the trays themselves the vast number of visitors was staggering. People who with the loss of Earth had become emotional and as such the bay was a buzz of activity with people insisting on checking on loved ones. Even though the only difference with seeing them here rather than on a computer elsewhere on the ship is that they could actually touch the glass. She felt that was likely to make them even more emotional rather than less. She slid her keycard through a reader as she entered her lab, really more of a small medbay designed to fit a cryopod in the case where they had to rapidly wake someone up due to unforseen circumstances it had become her own little private work space. She had authorisation to enter it and as such it was where she conducted most of her research in private. Partly as she wanted to keep some of it secret but also as she wanted the peace and quiet that this little laboratory gave her. There were no subordinates trying to vy for her attention or respect and no weeping family members pleading with her to wake up their loved ones 'for just a minute'. That was the worst request, as if the Admiral was going to let her increase the ships population with people in cryo-stasis. She walked over and checked the containment cells, a her brow furrowing for a moment before she regained her composure. "Begin audio log." There was a [i]ping[/i] from elsewhere in the room indicating that the log was beginning. "Subjects Epsilon, Zeta and Sigma are all showing renewed vigor and appear to be healthier than ever indicating that this variation was a success. All other subjects apparently fallen victim to a full body shutdown resulting in their lives ending. Tests will be conducted to discover the cases of death, aforementioned succesful subjects will also recieve a full autopsy to determine why they survived the process. I am predicting that an extraneous variable caused the success in these three subjects, rather than causing the death in the other subjects however further testing will give reliable results. End log." Loretta walked over to a control panel, as the oxygen was removed from the containment cells. Suffocating the subjects.