You starting gold should follow the typical 3.5 assortment. If you opt to avoid the initial starter pack with the given class and the subsequent small amount of gold to flow with it, you can opt for the Random Starting Gold on pg 111 of the PHB3.5 which provides you can roll or use the average. The example character I created actually worked out rather well so don't be surprised if you see 'em. I've essentially dropped the giant negative modifier for two weapon fighting to -2 for both weapons. Anyway, as for encumbrance, it will most likely be fudged. Assuming you are not trying to walk out with seventeen swords, four bows, twelve suits of armor, you'll be fine. I like it for the fluffy feel on the character sheet, but essentially as a DM I feel like the treasure would be split between the party well enough where the party won't be terrible slowed by it.