[h2][color=black]Zorua[/color] [/h2] As Zorua listened to the trainer talk about mutual respect and earning a pokemon trust, had to admit it sounded nice. Yet the dark pokemon was positive those were nothing more than words. Pretty phrases one toss around to sound noble. A act or mask whose function is not only to hide true face in front of the world but to hide it ugly head from oneself as well.He himself wasnt that opposite trainers he simply enjoyed his freedom. Loving the night sky and he couldnt imagine a version of his life where he wouldnt get to sleep out in the open. Than he knew Noibat and knew how bad things went with her, he listened to her warning about trainers. Adding weight to the his resolve to stay free. "How did you meet your Noibat? I wasn't kidding earlier when I said that you've done an amazing job of taking care of her. " He was asked by the trainer,seeing him ask the flying type pokemon directly. "I meet her in the woods. " He started playing with the button on his clothing, keeping his eyes cast down. "She crash-tackled me to the ground. It was a interesting first interaction." It was a fond memory, he didnt appreciate getting tackled by her, true it wasnt an intentional tackle more had to do with an flying incident. She kept that annoying habit, than it would be weird if she stopped doing that. "She choose her own clothing. I find it suit her as well." Zorua answered instead of Noibat, wanting the man to keep his attention on him. There was coming a construction site, It was a good possibility, especially if they got the trainer to go in the small back alleyways behind the place. The noise from the machines should help cover any cries for help. He needed to keep the trainer attention a bit longer occupied so he doesnt notice it. So more small talk. "What did you family think about your choice? When I started I had sadly little cash, but I earned over time. With hard work." Another kind of half lie, stealing was hard work. Especially if you dont want to get caught in both sense of the word. He walked a bit faster letting Noibat and the trailing ghost fall behind them to cut any futile escape from Gredy. While at the same time he was fishing for how much the man had on him. Did he had cash, or did he already spend all the money, Zorua wondered already planning where he could sell potential items they get off him. "I bet you parents are proud of the way you choose to start it. " [@Raijinslayer][@Bright_Ops][@Ashevelendar]