[center][h3]Guild of Tal'Zaroth[/h3][/center] “Feel that, sir?” Asked Alicia. The clever Witchblade captain was as sensitive to magic as Yrios himself was. An impressive feat indeed. Above that she was as clever as her mentor. It wasn’t a question. In fact he didn’t need her to say it. But it was for those around them. “Yes. He’s close.” Still they kept going in the caravan of legends. So many faces Yrios had heard of. So many names Alicia ever only read in books. If anything, this force was much more dangerous than the previous one. One the Guild did not participate in. But now they were here in full force and more. Their Grandmaster hadn’t marched with them for years. Eventually they reached the besieged town. The Guild members all dismounted and their horses immediately dashed away. Trying to get a safe spot. They arrived just on top of a dune and saw the smoke rise from Sandbrick. Even Yrios remained silent, as he felt the powerful wizard draw the massive power from the shadow realm. But when darkness gathered, the Grandmaster was not so foolish that he would just stand around. “Prepare!” he yelled. The Witchblades behind him drew their blades, while the sorcerers pulled out their orbs and warlocks gripped their staves. When the lightning started striking the ground, every one of the Guild felt the dark power coursing through it. “Summons!” yelled Alicia, who herself rushed into a crater. Dust had yet to settle but everyone around it could see several bright red flashes, and finally a white one. When the sand revealed the content of the crater, Alicia stood on a heap of sand, her cursed blade seemingly stabbing air. “Don’t just stand there! Kill!” she yelled, as more bolts slammed into the earth. “Ward! Warlocks! Form me a ward!” yelled Yrios, as ripped a shadow warrior with his gauntlet. Ten warlocks obeyed and formed a circle to commence their incantation. They all clapped and as they opened their arms again a shield of blue began to form before them. Creeping towards the other wards. In little time it grew and grew until a half-orb protected them from the lightning above. “Defend the ward! Defend the ward!” Yrios had to bark his orders as he pushed some foolish apprentice into the shield. Shadow warriors soon tried to follow, only to realize that their very aspect denied them entry. Mad with anger they bashed upon the blue glass. Until a warlock’s eyes glowed in the same bright blue. With his staff he pointed at the shadow warriors and chanted some obscure incantion. A blinding light was soon followed by some unnatural crackling. Those who had their eyes on the warlock no doubt saw a bolt of lightning split from the staff and push its way through the shadow warriors. Sorcerers used their crystal chards and orbs to fight off the shadow warriors getting too close to the shield. Within the shield Yrios found Alicia, who yelled over the clashing: “We need shut that storm down!” Yrios only nodded and looked up. Feeling the shadow realm’s pull, he could only guess how much power currently flowed over the very earth as waves. “We need more mages! Our warlocks can’t channel a spell if they are fighting these shadow warriors!” Yrios yelled back, from the corner of his eye he saw a warlock fighting to keep the shield up. “Entary shunt neghim!” he yelled with his arm outstretched. Blind blue flames shot out of from his hand, coating the shadow warriors. Burning the magic from them. “Take the Witchblades! Cleave a path! Get me every wizard or mage the other bands don’t care for! Get them here. Now go!” Alicia did as she was command. Cleaving her way through the horde that was growing. Temporary relieving each band to ask for their mages or wizard, only to leave immediately after.