With the elf successfully doused in mud, [color=mediumpurple]Bargle[/color] took a moment to congratulate himself. [color=mediumpurple]"That will teach a young whelp not to-eh?"[/color], The wizards beard curled up in fright as a wicked looking dagger darted pass his head, narrowly missing him. [color=mediumpurple]Bargle[/color] turned to see a very angry, mud covered she-elf in full charge at him, and struggled to dodge out of the way. But his feet became tangled in his giant purple robes and he could barely sputter out a few words of incantation to protect himself. The spell seemingly fizzled and the elf found herself tackling a pile of empty purple robes. A few feet away, [color=mediumpurple]Bargle[/color] reappeared stark naked, quite embarrassed.