[center][h2]Maybe we should poke it[/h2][/center] The general movement through the jungle after Souta had scared off the spiders, of which Wrath had only managed to kill one of and it hadn't even been the one he'd initially engaged, was simply boring. Of course, it had left plenty of time for Wrath to decide that his arsenal of weapons was now also lacking in something with a big boom, but that was more bias towards enjoying a good explosion than actually needing it. With his thoughts elsewhere, he was likely the last to notice that the vines had changed and it still didn't phase him. [color=FireBrick][i]Might be us nearing the other side.[/i][/color] He was near the back of the pack and had just set down on a platform when he noticed the others all staring at something ahead. Approaching, he might have been a slight bit surprised when the giant eye ball opened to stare at the small group of intruders. Of all the worlds that Wrath had visited during his time wandering the various realms under the Council's charge, he'd thought he'd seen all the strange and dangerous creatures there were to see. In the time he'd been here, he'd already seen two creatures that he wanted dead and now here is a third one, and it was by far the one that needed to die most. And so he wasted no time in suggesting a course of action. [color=FireBrick]"So, who wants to poke it?"[/color]