Dusty rubbed her nose with the back of her hand, smearing blood across her lips and cheek, clearly showing disinterest and a lack of fear. The Raider cocked an eyebrow at the thug who called her out. "I think I gots more brains and balls then this sorry sack of shit." She snarled, kicking the fallen thug leader and splattering some of his blood across the pavement. Dusty wiped the bottom of her foot on the ground as the thugs mentioned caps. Dusty took a moment to look back at the girl. So the men were after caps? Dusty wondered how much they were being payed? Maybe Dusty could get in on the caps if she let them have the girl? Eh...naw. She got plenty of money today, and it would be more fun to fight the rest of these thugs. Also, the lady was kinda cute. Dusty turned back to the thugs, only to be met with a gun in her face. It wasn't the worst thing she ever had shoved in her face. Dusty smirked, looking the gun over. Poor bastard didn't even get his gun ready before whipping it out. The Raider looked from the man to the gun and then back to the man. She winked at him and swung a fist at the outside of his elbow, aiming to break his arm inward. The man quickly went to pull the trigger, only to be stopped by his own forgetfulness. His elbow joint broke with a satisfying snap, the twisted grin spreading back across Dusty's face. This was a good day.