[i][color=Ivory]How I wish that were true.[/color][/i] Jaden said nothing as Clara passed, simply following behind in such utter silence that not even footsteps could be heard clacking upon the cobblestones. As he fell in line behind her, his reflection in the nearby windows began to distort and darken, becoming less like a man and more like a living shadow. And within this shadow, within the writhing mass of darkness that made up this reflected form, were two burning red eyes, filled with hate and bloodlust. It soon parted itself from the world on the other side of reflection, a liquid blackness that raced across the street to whirl around him, shadowy hands reaching out to strangle the life out of him. But Jaden wouldn't so much as flinch at these events, for he knew that none of them were real, that no on e but him could see them because he was the only one meant to see them. The power sealed deep inside him, the thing that kept his face looking young and his heart-beating through out the centuries, wanted to torture his mind. It wanted to break him, destroy him, turn him into naught but a gibbering madman with nothing to live for, and yet no way to die. But he was stronger than his demons gave him credit for, not to mention the fact that he had gotten used to these sorts of visions long ago. Still . . . it always made him uneasy to see these visions, because they always reminded him of what he truly was. Even now, he felt a hunger forming deep within the pit of his stomach, something that food, wine, or even blood could sate this need. Taking a breath, to steady himself, he reached into his pocket to pull out a pill bottle. Stopping in his tracks momentarily, he took a moment to shake two pills- leaving him with only five now- and quickly took them. Within moments, the hunger subsided, but he knew it wouldn't last. He'd need to go out tonight, under the cover of darkness and shadow, to feed the beast that had taken hold of his immortal soul. After a few minutes more of walking, he arrived at the estate. It was a lovely mansion, Victorian in it's design and of good size for a building of its type. The grounds around it were well-kept and preserved save for the section of it that had been ransacked by some teenagers looking to party. All kinds of trash and debris filled the area behind the mansion, from underwear to beer bottles. While normally this wouldn't cause much issue, the teens had apparently decided to enter the abode as well. Several rooms had been put into a similar state as the backyard, not to mention the broken furniture and decor. It was all adding up to cost quite the pretty penny to repair and replace everything that had been done. [color=Ivory]"The children of the day simply have no respect for the property of others."[/color] Jaden said as he walked into the kitchen, reaching into the fridge to get himself some left over cake from the other day. He was in the mood for something sweet, it always took his mind off of troubling matters, like finance. [color=Ivory]"I'd never do anything like this in my day, else my mother would've beaten me within an inch of my life. That's their problem, though, got nothing to strike the fear of God into them anymore. The youth of this age has not enough to do and too much time to do it."[/color] Taking a bite into the delectable chocolate mousse, he simply let himself dwell in the delicious sensation of it's rich, creamy texture, the chocolate doing wonders for his mood, if only for a moment. He'd continue to eat with a slow, methodical pace, savoring every bite as though it might've been his last. Once the cake was finally gone, he looked towards Clara, a fork hanging from his mouth as he seemed to contemplate something. [color=Ivory]"Clara . . . have you ever been to one of these 'nightclubs' that I've heard about? A friend of mine invited me to come over to a party he was having since I was in town. It was a '+1' invitation as well, and sadly, Wilfred wasn't available."[/color] He said the last part with a smile to let her know it was a jest, before returning back to his pondering thoughts. He hadn't had much interaction with the current era, finding all a bit too much for his tastes, but maybe he should try to give it a shot. He had to admit that anything was better than just spending his nights eatings sweets, and wondering why people wanted to be immortal in the first place. He was finding it to be all kinds of dull and pointless.