Silas considered his options briefly before turning and nodding in the direction of the Crypt. [color=goldenrod]"If we can reach the bishop's office from the crypt, then going through there seems like the logical course of action. There may be some information there about what's been done, specifically. Perhaps we might even be able to figure out a way to reverse this nightmare."[/color] The others seemed to agree with them, and the three of them headed down to the crypt- five if you counted Kazfiel and Sraosha, walking alongside the Sage within Purgatorio. They entered the space rather easily, and Silas looked around, trying to see everything he could in the dark. Lucky for him, he had his hounds, whose senses were much sharper than his own. He would be able to navigate down here without much trouble. Unfortunately, it seemed his companions lacked the same abilities- both of them engaged their own sources of illumination to either side of him, which Silas worried would make them more conspicuous to whatever things dwelled down here in the dark. [color=goldenrod]"Try and keep light to a minimum,"[/color] he said quietly, glancing at the pinpricks of light on the edges of the darkness. [color=goldenrod]"We want to remain as inconspicuous as possible, until that's no longer an option. My hounds can sense their way through without light, so you can follow me. It'll be slow going, but it's better than alerting every wretch in here to our presence..."[/color]