[HIDER=Anthony Kull][CENTER][b]Appearance.[/b] [img]http://s8.favim.com/orig/150201/anime-anime-guy-art-kuroko-no-basket-Favim.com-2434839.jpg[/img] Anthony stands at an average 5'11" feet tall and weighs in at 165 lbs. He has a lean but athletic build with toned muscles built for a runner's body. Tony's hair is straight and spiky, it sometimes falls into his matching colored eyes. He's usually sporting a smirk or a scowl, he doesn't know if it's because of his personality or the way he carries himself but some people find him intimidating because of it. [/CENTER] [b]Name:[/b] Anthony "Tony" Kull [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Personality:[/b] Tony has many sides to him, but the side people most see is a hot-headed, confident young man. With a big ego, admitting he isn't the best at certain things is sometimes difficult for him. It doesn't take a detective to realize that Anthony has a personality problem. Although he hides behind a mask of confidence, he isn't perfect and has his flaws that he closely guards. Trusting people is very hard for him to do, probably stemming from his multiple family problems. Some people misjudge him because of this and see him as selfish, which he can be sometimes, just like any other person. His temper is sometimes hard to control as well, he doesn't know what to do with sadness, or even guilt, so sometimes he just turns it into anger and lets loose. What seems like random outrages are really coping mechanisms. When he's in social situations, he can put on a face and work a crowd with the best of them. He's cocky, with just enough charm that people don't always catch it right away. He's always wondering how he can turn a situation to his favor. For some reason, girls have always taken interest in him. He'll sometimes boast about how smooth he can be with them, but he hasn't let one get close to him yet. So basically, romance is out of the question. Friendship has always been a hard thing for him, he has [i]followers[/i], not friends. He's social and can have a good laugh with people, but there's always that, distance, between them. Friendship is also hard because of his anger issues. He's impatient and easily annoyed, and quick to take action. Planning is always put second, right under brute force. Tony is a charming mess, to put it into simple terms. [b]Bio:[/b] A lot of people wonder how Tony got to be the way he is today. It started the day his mother walked out on his father and him on his 8th birthday. Left with his father, things changed fast. It became a game of "prove yourself" or "be useful" to Tony. It always seemed like his best wasn't enough for his Dad. He was angry at the world, angry at his mother, at his father. For a while he shut everyone out and away, and it kind of stayed like that. With a deep seated desire to impress his father, Tony decided to fake it until he made it. Faking confidence is easy until you actually started to feel confident. That's when people start thinking your a prick. Friendship went out the window, and the anger increased. He'd be surrounded by followers in school but come home to a disappointed father and no one to adventure with like any teenager should. When his abilities came, he finally thought he could make his father happy. Again he was met with disappointment, so the only option he believed he had was to get stronger. When he received the letter of acceptance into Tokio Funka Academy, he left immediately, hungry for more power. [b]Quirk Name:[/b] Burst [b]Quirk Type:[/b] Emission [b]Description:[/b] Anthony's quirk allows him create pure blasts of kinetic energy from every limb and joint in his body. He shoots the energy from a tube like system integrated into his body. On every limb and joint there are small holes by which he expels the energy. He can use this quirk in a variety of ways, such as: Enhanced speed and jumping, concussive blasts, and jet propulsion. Tony can only expel this energy in bursts. Anthony also has a limited amount of energy he can use consecutively. This means that after a while his bursts will weaken until he is "empty," and needs to recharge. [/HIDER]