Dallen gave the bartender a nod, then noticed one of his group came into the bar and sat near by. Just as he was about to go over to him and fill him in on the details so far, he pulled out his laser gun and shot it at a hanging dartboard. Though the shot was a good one, it brought a few unwanted eyes in his direction. He figured it would be best if they didn't get made knowing one another, even though he really didn't know the stranger at all anyway. [color=steelblue] "Damn amateur's going to get me killed," [/color] he muttered under his breath as he walked away, hoping the guy would stay in the casino in case he had to make an emergency getaway. Dallen never liked backing himself into a corner like he currently was doing, but he was already in this far. Might as well see it out, he figured. As he walked past the thugs and gamblers, he caught eyes with the fat man he was playing poker with not so long ago. He had a dirty and mean stare upon his face, and used one of his fingers to make a slicing motion across his throat. The fat man's henchman was just now attempting to get back up from getting knocked out cold, which brought a smirk to Dallen's face. Dallen made his way to the elevator where the two large guards stood. [color=steelblue] "Adrian sent me." [/color] The elevator then opened up and he was in, having no clue how this was going to play out. An old tune crackled from the speakers as he rode up the elevator, "Runaround Sue" by Dion. A catchy song, but Dallen just stood still. He thought about how careful he had to be in these next few moments, as he had no gun on him. The doorman still had his weapons held, one of the rules for playing poker. Finally, the doors opened up and he walked out.