[center][h3]Fortuna City - Ifrit[/h3][/center] [@Kafka Komedy] The route she had chosen was high risk, as the danger lay not in the enemies themselves, but that her back would be exposed to the ones she would inevitably miss, there were just that many of them, and if she took her time to be thorough, the long way may as well have been a better option. Though a difficult situation was not impossible, as she reached the gate, she was essentially surrounded, but all that was left was to destroy the gate and turn on these weaker lesser demons, but as she arrived, [url=http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/devilmaycry/images/d/db/Fallen.gif/revision/latest?cb=20120414200434]The Fallen[/url] did too. Three angelic-appearing demons emerged from the gate, and attacked her immediately with spears of light. The problem with this situation was she needed a chance to destroy the gate, otherwise more demons would join the party. To be sure this would test her limits in sheer numbers alone, and these Fallen demons were for the most part, much better at surviving than the others. [@Lmpkio] Though the gang leader was a coward, was not unskilled, and did a sharp spin in the vehicle, managing to avoid most of Gideon's attacks, except one, which struck the exhaust. The jeep was now absolutely smoking, and was visibly slowing down as it disappeared behind the streets with a huge smoke trail marking its location. Following it now should be a simple task. Although, it seemed like he might be running for quite awhile, and this was a big city... Just how long can they keep up a chase? Not to mention the leader himself didn't seem to be inept, just a coward, based on his instincts. A careful and efficient approach might work, but getting the jump on him might do the trick too, or just planning the chase in advance to corner him... Either way, the target was not too far off from where Gideon is right now, and the big smoke trail tells him where. [hr] [center][h3]Backwoods Cathedral - Soul Sacrifice[/h3][/center] [@Lmpkio][@ProPro][@EnterTheHero] Despite the advice, even if the light were dimmed, it would not stop the bones from forming around them, as skeletons began to emerge, armed with rusted blades and wooden shields, and some even carried some very old model of firearms. The skeletons themselves were not a threat, it was after some moments when movement can be seen in the distance among the lights that they realized this entire crypt was crawling with essentially an army of them. In the darkness and the clacking of bones on old ancient pavement, they can hear the ringing of bells. Regardless this swarm wasn't going to stop, they needed to do something. Kushiel's light showed that there was a bridge they could take, although a swarm of skeletons were already coming down that, on the other hand a hallway that led to a chamber was also present. Defeating this swarm of skeletons would be a simple task, easy in fact, but how many were there? And how long would it take? [@I-Am-X] Blair's rush for the two that were still transforming paid off as they were slain quite handily, though unfortunately the other one already transformed is quite nimble, and so was able to use this opening to strike at her. Ironically, the monster failed to properly notice the blood golem she had made, and was interrupted before its blow could land clean, giving Blair time to turn on it. Once she dispatches it how she pleases, she was free to proceed into the cellar door these monsters had erupted from.